House Exit is an alternative rock band that was started in 2006 by Matt Hannigan, who had always wanted a career of some kind in music. The original band consisted of Matt Hannigan on guitar and vocals, and Shane Jones on drums and back-up vocals. Shane Jones quickly dropped out of the band out of free will, due to lack of interest, he was replaced later on that year in the summer by Wayne Trump, a co-worker at Camp Nawakwa, in Arentsville, PA. During the next year, Wayne Trump attended Hanover Senior High School as a senior, and Matt Hannigan attended Northern York High School as a senior.Matt Hannigan lost contact with Wayne Trump and took House Exit with him. On April 8, 2007, Matt Hannigan released House Exit's first album, The Great Balance of Ryan, as a solo artist.In the summer of 2007, Matt Hannigan and Wayne Trump reunited again as a band and played two concerts at Camp Nawakwa that same summer.Early in 2008, Matt Hannigan picked up drummer Mike Nebistinsky as the newest member of House Exit.To this day, the band remains with members Matt Hannigan, on guitar and vocals, Wayne Trump, on bass and backing vocals, and Mike Nebistinsky, on drums.