Tabor, Sarah, art, graphic / web design, record albums, beer, food, photography, love, life, snowboarding, mountain biking.
jazz, soul, hip-hop, deep funky house, Brazilian, drum and bass, new wave, post punk / punk, classic rock, techno.
Steve Dvorak
Stuff like that.
samurai / kung fu, horror, jim jarmusch, wes anderson, alfred hitchcock, christopher nolan, david lynch, charlie kaufman, spike jonze, cohen brothers. anything with bill murray. also stuff like suicide club, the audition, ichi the killer.
adult swim, arrested development, the office (both), simpsons, frontline, spaced, sports... other than that, t.v. sucks.
the walking dead. We3, Fearless, Infinite Horizon, XXXombies, Overman. Yup, comic books. As far as books, recently: Into the Wild, No Country For Old Men, The Other Hollywood, The Third Chimpanzee, The Job (Burroughs), Salinger...etc.
My parents. The Funk Brothers.