(1.) You must have the owner added to participate in any contests. It is MANDITORY.
(2.) Send a messge with your name, age, picture you want to submit, and your FriendID.
(3.) If your picture has been chosen, I will message you back telling you so.
(4.) If you do not recive a message back in less then 24 hours, your picture was not chosen. Better luck next time.
(1.) Every person is entitled to 3 votes.
(2.) You can vote for more then one picture, but you cannot exceed your 3 vote limit.
(3.) If you do exceed your limit, your votes will be deleted, and you will be warned.
(4.) If this continues, you will be banned from the site.[so keep the shit up ;)]
(1.) The first picture to reach 30+ comments is the winner.
(2.) They're picture, and link will be posted in the winners section.
(3.) The contest lasts for only 1 day[24 hours]