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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.:.Take a good look, you may feel our wings.:. and let's fly.:.Be good, caring and creative :: ONE LOVE! our only hope.:.UNITE.:.Psychedelicious e-music love story!.:..:.Born in south Brazil in 76, grow up in a 3 women family (mother, sister n me) that time my mother was a sociology student, she had two kids and two jobs, but still not enough money to have a babysitter on a day base… so we hang out with her all of our free time, had political classes at the university, bar chats with intelectuals, (no law against it then), political assembly and a lot of samba n bossa nova, and good psychedelic music too…, By the age of 4 I only felt asleep listening to PinkFloyd Dark Side of the Moon or Egberto Gismont Dança das Cabeças. My mom was a revolutionary and from her I learned to be eclectic, non judgmental, but critic, simple, but decided, tender but never week, we had to hold our head up high, it was difficult political times in south America, and even harder was the macho military dictarorial regime on a separated beautiful young mother with attitude. In 1990 my mother got political asylum in Norway.:..:.My first contact with real good e-music was in the early 90’s when i moved to north Europe. Living in Oslo for almost 10 years, the underground world always attracted me. That time I went to crazy parties in abandon factories, and little hells to listen to techno, hardcore, acid house, acid jazz, drum’n’bass, Prodigy, deep forest… In 94 I got a ticket to pulse consert in Oslo as my 18 years old birthday present hehe later that year in a multi festival, I heard crazy sounds, got totally involved with a strange shamanic like rhythm, went closer and closer near the speakers… and big boom… hallucinogen in action making a lot of grimace to the crowd, lol, I was certainly hypnotized, and since then I’m addicted to trance.:..:.My psychedelicious sweet life style just began: tripping away to deep forests funky squares parties pvt Nachtspiel Babylon deserted snow flakes earth festival leaves stones concrete stars nature alien sources virtual communication telepathically chats with Sr hoffman counting stars beach skiing cat walker on the wild side of pachamamas heart.:..:.E-music yeah I love it, and yes I’m still eclectic, depends on the mode, from dark to minimal, breakbeats to progressive house every rhythm has their one charm and meaning in my life.:..:.Moved back to Brazil in the middle of 2000, met here an aggressive psy scene swallowing all the other genres, well… with pure plur, art, information and culture we will certainly brake free and follow only our heart pace to choose our favorite kinds of music… not because it’s in or you are synthetic feeling, but because you truly feel the beauty of all music made with LOVE.:. .:.Peace n Respect.:.always.: MÍSTICA TRANCE :.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

PEOPLE who belive that we all UNITED can SAVE THE PLANET... Utopia? Maybe... who knows? >>WE HAVE A UNIVERSE OF QUANTUM POSSIBILITIES<<

My Blog

:: Neurotika e-Agency ::

A Neurotika e-Agency é uma empresa de entretenimento, voltada principalmente para o universo da música eletrônica. Apresenta um casting exclusivo com artistas de renome nacional e internacional e DJ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 04:33:00 GMT

:: Neurotika e-agency :: release ::

  The Neurotika e-Agency is a company of entertainment, directed mainly to the electronic music universe. Neurotika is casting exclusive artists of national and international reputation and D...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 20:18:00 GMT

.: Mística :. Som Alquímico...Pra alterar todos os SENTIDOS

A Mística traz em seu caldeirão um line-up alquímico,Som explosivo para alterar todos os sentidos!Venha saborear nossa poção "psicodeliciosa" preparada com muito amor, arte e uma gota da pura essência...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 03:50:00 GMT


Digital Roots logo após... findi promete =)
Posted by on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 10:14:00 GMT


Well, I love NATURE I would like to be a good photographer to show you all the natural beauties of my beloved Brazil... I'm notBut, if you wanna see some WONDERFULL pics, please yourself and visi...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 05:49:00 GMT

Butterfly Kisses

Butterfly kisses for you COLORS of  NATURE in motion AMAZON is burning in RED right now CO² is suffocating all GREEN it's raining GRAY over the asphalt Ices are melting the BLUE down YELLOW, colo...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:00:00 GMT


Aquarius :: HairWhen the moon is in the Seventh HouseAnd Jupiter aligns with MarsThen peace will guide the planetsAnd love will steer the starsThis is the dawning of the age of AquariusThe age of Aqua...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 04:50:00 GMT

Protests to Follow Bush Across the Continent

Protests to Follow Bush Across the Continent "In Brazil, the protests will have symbolic elements ... the idea will be to approach the area where Bush is staying with sulfur, in order to to 'exorcise...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 07:34:00 GMT

Women against G. WAR Bush - You are NOT welcome in Brazil mister

CONGRATULATIONS! "Nothing causes more horror in orderThan women who dream and fight." José Marti   IN USA   WOMEN against George WAR BushMarch 8th Bush is NOT welcome IN BRAZIL t...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:46:00 GMT

Natural feelings

passion flower just explain in beauty,what i feel for mother nature...   so, take a deep breath, can you smell the colors?    Oxigen listen to the ocean - sea life   &n...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 06:28:00 GMT