Elara [Project Live] - Gig Promotions in Lanarkshire
Gigs booking now..
Band Nights every 2nd Saturday in the Red Bridge Bar, Coatbridge, starting Saturday 20th September. Free Entry. Interested bands/songwriters message us..
Sat 15th November, Red Bridge Bar, Coatbridge. Featuring Lull, Retrostar, Gary Campbell & More. 9PM. Free Entry.
Sat 29th November, Red Bridge Bar, Coatbridge. Featuring Rockburn, Gary Campbell & More. 9PM. Free Entry.
Sat 13th December, Red Bridge Bar, Coatbridge. Featuting Indian Ink, Gary Campbell & More.. 9PM. Free Entry.
Fri 19th December, Pharaohs Nightclub, Coatbridge. Featuring Jon Pol, Retrostar, Gary Campbell and more to be announced soon. 8PM. Tickets £4. £5 on Door.