About Me
More than less, I have been withering constantly. What you see is not the true me, yet, you are seeing, hearing, or feeling somebody who has, until recently, been on the verge of succumbing to life's misery. Anything you know now, is merely a stage in the process of withering again, and then again, and yet, again. Maybe one day it might stop and reveal exactly who I am. But until that day becomes more evident than anything else, today, I know nothing more of myself as much as you do. I think trying to prevent the blooming of my soul because I somehow fear one day I may end my withering down to the core and become a Venus fly trap scares me. But I guess, nobody said it wouldn't be scary...so in retrospect, I am critically over thinking the whole process of life. Right? But again, if one thing were to remain constant throughout my life, it is that I will always be curious about the unknown. Why? Don't ask me, because i've been asking the same thing. And i've learned, through constant questions, that questioning is only bringing me either farther, or closer to an answer. But unfortunately, we can never seem to pinpoint whether we've come closer, or subsequently dug ourselves into a deeper hole. The one thing I am sure of, is that death has never let us down before. Don't quote me on that, because I'm still trying to prevent the inevitable, just so i can be like everyone else who feels like death hits a little too close to home.
comptine d'un autre été - yann tiersen
just relaxing...
My Blog
To be perfectly honest...
My birthdays a kinda long ways off (september....10th), but i thought i'd give an advanced notice upon what would be, to be perfectly honest, a gift for me, above any parties, above any extravagantly ...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 02:29:00 GMT
put my mind at ease
Put my mind at easeBy: me. The softest part of your fleshputs my mind at easeThe gentle touch of purity from your sweet love gives me hopeThe softest part of your fleshcomes into contact with mineSo r...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 01:29:00 GMT
Knell Act 1, scene nascent. I am a staged version of my own novel. Brought to my knees suppressing the thoughts of what can happen. Glares shadowing within my eye concern outward with the roaring of ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 14:17:00 GMT
...why i live
...why I live Happiness is so easy to say, but so difficult to accomplish. And its accomplishment may not be the greatest of adventures, circumstances may apply. Various aspects seem to clutter our at...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 14:06:00 GMT
I wish
I wish I've wished upon a shooting star once. You'll find me somewhere stoned to the floor staring at the sky for one more. And im not sure if that wish was pureSomewhere that shooting star streaks ac...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 01:28:00 GMT
It lingers behind the shadows before me...
It lingers behind the shadows before me& It lingers behind the shadows before me. The memories of past revelations clot my mind and force future plans to become blind. The memory guards the walls like...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 01:09:00 GMT
The first and last
The first and last... As I sightlessly gaze up upon your face with a smile contaminated with clemency, my bare tears and screaming find you smiling and no longer grieving As I scream for help to ...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 13:02:00 GMT
I am withering
I Am Withering
By: Paul M. Araneta
In all of bodily forms to entrap ourselves, we gracefully wither in a state of precarious beliefs. Engulfed within darkness as glimmers sparkling like the unknown h...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 00:46:00 GMT