I have lived an interesting life to say the least. Which is probably why I have such an interesting point of view on things.
Throw out the normal train of thought and listen to that little voice inside telling you what deep down, you know is true but yet somehow just can not, will not, or absolutely refuse to believe. And that my friend, is what I believe.
I grew up and have maintained my entire existence in this region known as the Pacific Northwest. I have always wanted to wander, but resisted for fear of not ever wanting to come home again. I have too many ties and roots and branches here. Not to mention all the memories....good or bad.
I believe that every little thing in life happens for a reason. Whether we see that reason at the time or not, it is there, and it will be manifested to us as needed. When we are ready. I also believe that all things, not just some things, but alll things come together for good.....for those who love the Lord. Romans 8:28, my favorite verse in that whole entire Good Book!
I also believe that the main purpose in life, besides being fruitful and multiplying of course, is to acheive balance and happiness while fulfilling our intended purpose down here. On the daily, hourly, just 24/7. With every step and every breath. And what better way to do this than by developing a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe?
I believe that the sole reason we were created was so that God could have companionship, as well as entertainment; aside from the more subservient role his other creations played. I mean think about it, WE are created in HIS image! both fearfully and wonderfully made, and the Devil will always hate us for that.
I believe in life after death, which may also be the reason I have very little fear of losing this one. I know where I will go when I leave, and that I will be much happier when I get there.
I do believe in Satan, just as much as I believe in Jesus. I just believe that each of their power and influence over your life is only as strong as you allow it to be.
They will both be around you always, surrounding you..... fighting for YOU. But what you need to ask yourself is this.
Who do you really want on your side?