The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page profile picture

The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page


About Me

A worldwide organization and a five figure a month income in less than 6 months...using the law of attraction!

Do you know Danny Arrington?

I am the founder and contributing author of

The Mastery Of Mindset

I suppose I may as well tell you that GETTING VERY RICH is something I am very focused on. But I am not just talking about money. I am talking about the riches that also come in the form of close friendships, a happy family, health and a long life. I have reached some incredible heights, spiritually, over the last 24 months of my life.
I am also very focused on reaching extraordinary heights financially! Some of the things I am doing today seemed impossible just 18 months ago.

More about me -
I'm 33 years old. I have a beautiful wife with 3 wildly fun children who keep me on my toes.
I have owned a couple of traditional business’. I have also had some excellent jobs and made excellent money working in corporate America. At 28 years old, I was the VP of a publicly traded company. I had always heard that money would not buy your happiness. I used to say "well, I would rather be rich and unhappy than broke."
Guess what...
that is exactly what I got!
At 28 years old I had a 6 figure base salary and I thought "man, I have finally made it!" But I was working 65-70 hours per week. Everyday was guaranteed to be full of employee issues and deadlines and reports. The pace was insane and I was always needing MORE MORE MORE from my employees and from myself. We had our first child (Shae Danielle) and I was NEVER home. We had purchased a $400,000.00 home, our dream home, so our expenses had gone through the roof. My new car payment was more than most house payments. I had the big salary, the big home, new cars and all of these nice new things and I wasn’t enjoying ANY of them. I was miserable!! So was my wife.
My wife and I were growing apart because I was so committed to my "big shot" job. After one year, I decided that I HAD to figure something else out. My daughter, Shae Danielle, was learning to walk and talk and I desperately wanted to spend more time with her and fix my marriage before it was too late. What good is all the money in the world when your family, the ones you SAY you work for and love, never see you and you never experience their love?

But I had a new plan. One that would give me freedom and the potential for more money!!! I would open my own mortgage company!
That HAD to be the answer right? I could hire people to do the time consuming things and I could do the high impact duties and spend more time at home AND make more money! But it didn’t work out that way. I had a huge office, lot's of great employees...but I was spending 80 hours per week at the office and barely making enough money to pay the bills. The overhead was crippling me and it's all I could think about. I could have done it for 3 or 4 more years, but my family would have starved to death or divorced me and I was fed up with everything. So I closed my mortgage company down and I decided to go back to working for someone else. I was devastated. I KNEW that there were people living the life that I desperately wanted to live, but I just couldn’t figure it out. So I was struggling with questions like: "Is this just the way life is - a life built on a commission check?"
"Have the windows of opportunity come and gone in my life...has my ship sailed?" "Am I the ONLY person thinking that there HAS TO BE MORE?" "What am I doing wrong? I work hard, I stay positive and I know I have what is my problem?" Oh, I wasn't giving up. I REFUSE TO DO THAT. I have NEVER given up. I may retreat...but quit? Not me...not ever. As a respected leader in business, I was still teaching people the principals of success on a daily basis. I was doing meetups and mastermind groups with people based on the teachings of Napolean Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich”. It was through those meetings that I met a women named Melanie. Melanie was a success coach for Bob Proctor. She immediately asked me if I had seen the movie The Secret. I had not. She told me I could get a copy from her. I went by her house that night at 10pm after getting off from another 14 hour day. That night my life would take on new meaning. I had FINALLY found the missing ingredient! I had finally put a NAME to the SCIENCE of getting what you want in life! It was the Law of Attraction. I had read about the Law of Attraction years before in a book called The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes. But it just didn't resonate with me then. Since watching that movie last year, I have continued to study. I have read the works of every teacher in that movie. The three that rose to the top for me were Bob Proctor, Michael Beckwith and Esther Hicks with the Teachings of Abraham. I began a journal outlining EXACTLY what I wanted in life and I spent a lot of time visualizing

One day after listening to Esther Hicks talk about the visualization process, I thought up a really great idea!


I made this video and created a formula to go with it and it has gotten OVER 40,000 VIEWS in just a few months! I created the first ever Vision Video!!!

Since then, I have taught hundreds of people how to create their own Vision Video!!! I will teach you too...just ask!

So soon after creating this video and beginning my youtube adventures, I ran into a program called The Science of Getting Rich Seminar by one of my mentors, Bob Proctor!

I immediately purchased the at home study course! It was not cheap, but it has catapulted my life into another world!

It was an online business. It came with all the bells and whistles. A website, an autoresponder, tons of banners to post, free e-zine articles, lots and lots of training.

But I figured out real quick that making money online was MUCH harder than I thought! I got lucky and made a few thousand dollars when the program was brand new. But as the months ticked by, I realized that this was not looking good...

until I ran across THE SECRET MOS FORMULA by a friend of mine named DK with a company he calls GOLDMINE.

I was now learning, ONE ON ONE, from a prodigy in online marketing.

Someone asked me the other day to summarize my philosophy as it relates to making money online and spirituality:

"I set a goal to make $100,000,000.00 in 2 years. And it's not about the money, but it is about what and who I have become in pursuit of it!"


The law of attraction Love Spirituality Getting Rich...especially online Friendship Leadership Passion Fun

That's me and here I am! I'm a real guy and I have pretty much figured out some of the secrets to being happy, making a TON of money and helping others do the same.

If you want a mentor - I'm here. You just got to plug into my network (which is the All 4 One Network and you can find it be clicking below!)
If you want a business partner - Let's talk...I got more million dollar ideas than I know what to do with! If you just want to get on my team and learn how we do what we do, it's a click or two away.
I really don't care what business you are in or what you are trying to promote. Most business' can be successful online WITHOUT spending ANY money on advertising.
Before I go I want to share with you, my new friend, something that has totally changed my life and the life of those that depend on me.
I will share with you one secret that once I began really LIVING, my life was catapulted to new heights.
Your life is perfect. If you are broke, it's perfect. If you are struggling, it's perfect. If you have made it, like me, but have lost everything - it's still perfect!
If you can find "gratitude" in even your most difficult moments, you will have activated the law of attraction and NOTHING ON EARTH can stop you once you understand this one small secret.
There is so much love and Universal help just waiting on you to reach out and grab it that it will amaze and excite you when you finally discover it!

My Interests

I intend to inspire and empower 1,000,000 new online entrepreneurs with The All 4 One Mastermind Network. I will let Shea Korte tell you what The All 4 One Mastermind Network is all about. Shea used to spend over $5K PER MONTH on Google Adwords until he got trained in All 4 One.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet anyone that is not willing to settle for mediocrity. Anyone that is willing to stake his/her existance on accomplishing their dreams.

Anyone that has overcome adversity and used it to get better instead of bitter. Anyone that thinks "I could do that if I just had the right mentor".

Tell me your biggest challenge and let me help YOU get to the next level in your business. This video by Dani Johnson sums up many of my feelings on business and leadership in business. Enjoy!

Plain MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider




Are you trying to serve others or are you just copying the famous entrepreneurs you see? Celebrity or Servant? Which one are you?




The Price For Success..

My Blog

Pre Launch Testimonials

Find more videos like this on All 4 One Mastermind Network Find more videos like this on All 4 One Mastermind Network F...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 11:56:00 PST

The Mastermind Manifesto - by Danny Arrington have already revolutionized the way business is conducted on the internet.  We were the 1st community to do 24/7 support community with a LIVE CH...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 07:20:00 PST

Danny’s Insight 09/22/2007

"Why Am I Able To Manifest "Negative" Thoughts Much Faster Than Positive?" An awakening into an understanding of  Universal Laws does not mean you wake up with the full realization of all of your...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 10:47:00 PST

Dannys Insight 09/10/2007

Danny's Insight 09/10/2007"Mediocrity Always Attacks Excellence"As you go into a new week, remember that wonderful quote! If you are dealing with someone at your job who tends to get on your nerves or...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 08:14:00 PST

Some people have an excuse...I have a story! Which do you have?

"My name is Danny Arrington.  I am a young 33 years old and I am thrilled to be married to the most beautiful women I have ever seen.  And I am the father of 3 beautiful, loving and energeti...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST


What is the difference you ask?  Well, ask yourself this series of questions: 1.  Is your phone ringing off the hook with people wanting to know what you do, how you do it and how much money...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

My Spiritual Mission

   I am on a very simple change the world.  I believe that darkness cannot exist where I walk.  I believe that where there is seeming hopelessness, we can bring hope a...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

What are you promoting?

If you promote ANYTHING on Myspace and you are tired of clicking until your fingers ache, then you need to check out the #1 Rated MySpace Friend Adder!!  It's totally cheap and you can TRY IT O...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

Why is a Vision Video so unique?

Many people set goals, create vision boards and even make movies with pretty pictures and happy scenes in them only to find themselves moving slowly, if at all, towards their goal.  Let me ask yo...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

So You Want To Change The World....

Someone asked me today "what do you mean you want to change the world?"  Being pressed for time, I gave him a broad answer and told him that I would contact him later.  I said "I want to be ...
Posted by The OFFICIAL Danny Arrington Myspace Page on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST