♥JaDeKuLiT® profile picture


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About Me

hEy yOu! jAdE hiR.. weLL i'M 5'2” in. taLL aNd I wEigH 100 lbs..i wAs bOrN iN tHe pHiLiPpiNeS n LiVeD dEr fOr 18 yRs. dEn cAmE hiR tO CaLiFoRniA..sO iM pRoUd tO sAy dAt iM a pUrE FILIPINO..aNywAy mOrE bOut mEh,..iM sUpEr sEnSitiVe, eMotiOnaL, MAKULIT n sUcH a cRy bAbY..hMmM, iM D type of pErsOn wHo's kiNd tO peEps wHo R kiNd tO meh. I hAtE pEopLe wHo bRaG aBoUt D tHiNgS thEy hAv..I hAtE those kind of pEepS aCtiNg aS if thEy'rE D onLy pEopLe LiviNg iN tHiS biG dAmN worLd! if yOu dOn't rEsPeCt mEh, i wOn't rEspEct yOu..If U don’t wAnNa tok 2 meh I wOn't tok 2 U..I'll siMpLy B wAt u R tO mEh--jUst fAiR..hAhAhA..sOmE tHiNk tHat I'm a sNob at fiRst.. Luks cAn B dEcEiviNg aNyWay.. bUt if yOu'D jUst tRy 2 tOk 2 mEh n bEfRiEnD mE tHeN yOu'LL rEaLiZe hOw aPpRoAcHabLe, cRaZy, MAKULIT aNd cOoL I aM iN rEaL LifE..iM a Bit siLLy at tiMes, aNd cRankY aNd sEriouS tHe otHer tiMes..WeLL, eNuF oF "myhAtE's"....hmMm,, i LoVe cHoCoLatEs withOut aNy NutS or aLmOndS tHo I LoVe fRiEs 2 aS iN mAh dAy wOn't B cOmpLetE witHout thEm.. i LoVe dRiviNg aNd gOiN aWt aNd bEiN wiT mAh fAmiLy..eAt tOgEtHeR, siMpLy jUsT hAnGiNg aWt wiT them..i LoVe aNd miSs hAnGiN' aWt mAh fWeNds, n mah mUM bAk iN d pHiLiPpiNeS.. i LoVe wAtChiN’ mOviEs At hOmE.. mOviEs i bouGht.. LoVe coLLeCtiNg dVDs aNd mUsiC cDs.. i LoVe pLaYiNg bAsKetBaLL, vidEo gAmEs, PoOL, n bOwLiNg.. i LoVe rEaDiN’ sPoRtS MaGz aNd cHeCkiN’ aWt nEw shoes n stuFf..i LoVe pEepS wHo aPpReciAte wHat I'm doiNg fOr tHeM aNd fOr otHeRs..i LoVe pEepS wHo aRe swEet, uNdErStAndiNg, wHo cAn mAkE mEh sMiLe, tHoUgHtFuL, hUmbLe, aNd REAL..n oHh i LoVe LiStEniNg tO mUsic!!! i LoVe hAviNg a Lots Of fRiEnDs..i mEaN rEaL fRiEnDs oK..sO, yOU pEopLe..it'S up tO yOu iF yOu'LL LiKe mE oR nOt..i dOn’t rEaLLy cArE wE cAn't aLwAyS pLeAsE eVerybOdy rYt?! sO yEaH.. tiL hIR.. PeAcE aWt! L8r..

My Interests

playin basketball, bowling, PS2, watchin TV/movies, txtn and tOk!n oN d PhOne.. snOwbOaRdiNg, aNd listnin' tO gud musics..

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i Love coLLeCtiNg n watchin 'em, except scary movies...


iLove wAtChiN gReY's AnAtOmy.. pRiSoN bReAk.. f.R.i.E.N.D.s.. THE O.C.. oNe tReE hiLL.. sMaLLviLLe.. dAwSoN's CrEeK..


d great hArRy pOttEr..


KoBe'S 65,50,60,50 pOiNt GaMekObE's 81 pOiNt GaMe

My Blog

A Letter To the One that God has Prepared For Me ....

A Letter To the One that God has Prepared For Me I am wondering at this very minute if you are thinking of me, if like me, you are wondering what is taking us so long to find each other. Many time...
Posted by ♥JaDeKuLiT® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

la lng

ure a star that i wished for but too bad... coz i guess i must be wishin' on sum1 else's star... & it seems like sum1 else got what i'm wishin' for... why cant i just be as lucky as those other pe...
Posted by ♥JaDeKuLiT® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

u rOck!!!

Ashlee Simpson - Pieces Of Me Lyrics On a Monday, I am waitingTuesday, I am fadingAnd by Wednesday, I can't sleepThen the phone rings, I hear youAnd the darkness is a clear viewCuz you've come to resc...
Posted by ♥JaDeKuLiT® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

can u rel8?!

hirap sa pagmamahalpag nasaktan ca.. iiyak ka..pag iniwan ka.. magmamakaawa ka..kahit tapak na tapak na pride mobalewala sayo.. oo nga naman.. bakit mo iisipin un.. e.. "mahal mo nga naman" marami ka ...
Posted by ♥JaDeKuLiT® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

....watcha think of this?!

"Finding the right person is very hard and very wrong... it is best to be the right person for the one you love and start from there...you'll always end up disappointed when you set standards ...
Posted by ♥JaDeKuLiT® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST