twisted humor, demeaning co workers. heretic publish outlashings, money, partying, being a dad more than anything, football obviously, playing guitar, singing to my groupies (kids). other than that i just like to converse a lot
someone as fucked up as me, who wants to get fucked up as me, who likes fucking up as much me,fucks off as much as me,and wants to fuck as much as me.
it's easier to say what i don't like, big hair butt rock (Def Leppard excluded of course) and 99 percent of rap. Can't help it, i'm on the aftermath band wagon. Obie's my favorite
Natural Born Killers. Gangs of New York. The Ocean's movies. Star Wars
Discovery Channel. Especially the new one's about machines. family guy which makes me laugh no matter how shitty things are going.
i don't really read anymore. i think i got burned out. i'm too tired anyway and it makes me even tireder. see, it shows huh
Kurt Cobain cause i can play nirvana stuff and sing to it. Jesus cause he fucking hates Julie. Trent Reznor for the inadvertant advice. Columbian drug lords for keeping me all fucked up. sweat shop workers for making me good, cheap shoes. and McDonalds for their dollar double cheeseburgers.