COPPAhead,born and raised a texas citizen,born and raised a texas the early childhood of krys jaxon,the single parenthood of one mother was all he had along with 3 other siblings.Useing harsh obsticals and negative input from "friends" and "family" the young soon to be rap artist used it as motivation.Soon after moving to Willis Texas,and building relationships with friends around town and school,he found his hidden gift,the talent to rap.After the 7th grade joining a few friends to record over instrumentals became a natural hobby.Soon became the nickname coppahead and after that became skittles,Big-J,and D3..MOCHo-12-15.Years and Year practiceing the gifts the kids had,coppahead started to appreciate the talent more and more.Perfecting his craft was a huge key.Many discouragement and encourage ment was soon to follow after entering highschool.Once the group broke off,the teens still kept contact with one another.Talent shows and mixtapes were all young coppa had to get heard.Labels were soon to follow some more greedy than other.Straitgravy records came around and gave coppa a shot at his career,things went sour... O-merta records was soon to discover coppahead and his versatile style... never moving in slomotion COPPAhead was ready for action... (to be continued)