i LiKe HaNGiNG ouT WiT My FRieNDZ, PLaYiNG PooL, BoWLiNG, JuST CHiLLiN', PLaYiNG ViDeo GaMeS, GoiNG oNLiNe, DoiNG WHaTeVeR iS FuNN, & i'M aLWaYZ iNTeReSTeD iN TRyiNG NeW THiNGZ!!! ;)Game Code by
Toxic Flash
You are Raiden, the Thunder God! Many good allies awaits you!
Master Cheif (SPARTAN-117)
W00t! You're the Master Cheif!! Youre an AWSOME leader. You are very brave! even when you are scared to do something you tough it out and do it anyways. You are loyal and dependable, always getting the job done. Your friends mean alot to you, and the respect you! Youre an all around kick ass dude!
You Are 40% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
GiRLZ, THe VoiCeS iN My HeaD, & PaRaLeLL uNiVeRSe VeRSioNZ oF Me!!! ;)& my inner demon.
Black Tormenter
The black tormenter is a demon who gets off from causing torturous pain such as stabbing, asphixiation whipping etc. You love to see the faces of pain and torment. you would have probably had a pretty fucked up childhood.& my inner dragon.
Black Dragon
If there ever was an apparition of Evil to strike terror into the hearts of man and beast, your Inner Dragon is it. Blackies are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. Your antithesis is the White Dragon. Together, you two embody the Yin and Yang concept of eastern religions.But of course, being a Blackie on the inside you couldn't care less about that religion stuff. You like to cause trouble, make off with people's significant others, and so on and so forth. Your favorable attributes are night, the Moon, the stars, dreams, psychic guidance, balancing Karma, seeking truth, and helpful dark magic.
12 SToNeS, 3, 30 SeCoNDS To MaRS, 311, 3 DaYS GRaCe, 3 DooRS DoWN, 40 BeLoW SuMMeR, a PeRFeCT CiRCLe, aLTeR BRiDGe, aMeRiCaN HeaD CHaRGe, aRCH eNeMy, auDioSLaVe, aVeNGeD SeVeNFoLD, BeaSTie BoYS, BLaCK LaBeL SoCieTy, BLaCK SaBBaTH, BLooDSiMPLe, BoN JoVi, BRaND NeW SiN, BReaKiNG BeNJaMiN, BRiDeS oF DeSTRuCTioN, CHeVeLLe, CHiLDReN oF BoDoM, CKy, CLuTCH, CoLD, CoRRoSioNS oF CoNFoRMaTy, CReeD, CRoSSFaDe, DaRK NeW DaY, Day oF FiRe, DeeP PuRPLe, DeFauLT, DeF LePPaRD, DieCaST, DiSTuRBeD, DoPe, DRoWNiNG PooL, eaRSHoT, eLViS, FaiTH No MoRe, FiLTeR, FiNGeR eLeVeN, FiVe FiNGeR DeaTH PuNCH, FoZZy, FueL, eaRSHoT, eVaNeSeNCe, GoDSMaCK, GooD CHaRLoTTe, GuNS 'N' RoSeS, HaWTHoRNe HeiGHTS, H.I.M., iLL NiNo, iNSTiTuTe, JaNe'S aDDiCTioN, JuDaS PRieST, JiMi HeNDRiX, KaSaBiaN, KiLLSWiTCH eNGaGe, LaCuNa CoiL, LiNKiN' PaRK, LiFe oF aGoNy, LoLLiPoP LuST KiLL, LoRDZ oF BRooKLyN, MaCHiNe HeaD, MaRiLyN MaNSoN, MeGaDeTH, MeTaLLiCa, MNeMiC, MoTLeY CRue (u gotz 2 love the crue), MoToRHeaD, MuDVayNe, MuSHRooMHeaD, My CHeMiCaL RoMaNCe, NiCKeLBaCK, NiRVaNa, NoNPoiNT, oRGy, oZZy oSBouRNe, PaNTeRa, PaPa RoaCH, PeaRL JaM, P.O.D., PoiSoN, PoWeRMaN 5000, PRoDiGy, PReSSuRe 4-5, PuDDLe oF MuDD, QuieT RioT, Ra, RiSe aGaiNST, RoB ZoMBie, SaLiVa, SeeTHeR, SeVeNDuST, SeVeN MaRy THRee, SHaDoWS FaLL, SHiNeDoWN, SKiNDReD, SLiPKNoT, SoiL, SoiLWoRK, SPiNeSHaNK, STaiND, STaTiC-X, STeReoMuD, STiLL ReMaiNS, SToNe SouR, SToNe TeMPLe PiLoTS, SToRy oF THe YeaR, TaKiNG BaCK SuNDaY, TeSTaMeNT, THe eXieS, THe uNioN uNDeRGRouND, THe SouNDTRaCK oF ouR LiVeS, THeoRy oF a DeaDMaN, THouSaND FooT KRuTCH, THoRNLey, ToMMy Lee, TooL, TRaPT, TRiViuM, TRUSTcompany, TWiSTeD SiSTeR, TyPe o NeGaTiVe, uNWRiTTeN LaW, VeLVeT ReVoLVeR & anything thatz rock & metal & soundz good!!! (if u never heard any of these bandz u gotz 2 listen 2 them... NoW.)
Led Zeppelin's Symbols
The symbols of Led Zeppelin represent you best. You are an individual and you are different from everyone else. You have friends but each of you have your own personality and don't copy how you act from eachother. You're awesome! There needs to be people more like you!
Rock God!
Wow, either you just lucked out or you rule! Congrats
12 aNGRy MeN, every bud abbot & lou costello movie ever made, every aLieN movie, AVP, DaWN oF THe DeaD, all the FRiDay THe 13th's & JaSoN moviez, & all THe NiGHTMaRe oN eLM STReeT moviez, FReDDy JaSoN, JaY & SiLeNT BoB STRiKe BaCK, all the LeaTHaL WeaPoN moviez, MiSSiSSiPPi BuRNiNG, My CouSiN ViNNy, RaY, both PReDaToR'z, both ResiDeNt eViL'z, RoaD TRip, all 3 SCaRy MoVie'z, both SCooBy-Doo'z, both SiSTeR aCT moviez, all the STaR WaRS, all THe STaR TReK moviez, all 3 of THe CRow'z, every
eXoRCiST movie, THe PaTRioT, THe WhoLe 9 YaRDS, THe WHoLe 10 YaRDS, XXX, & anything thatz a PoRN, SCi-Fi, FaNTaSy, HoRRoR, SLaSHeR, CoMeDy, & WeiRD TyPeS oF MoVieZ!!!
Anakin Skywalker - JediGuardian/Sith
Clouded your futurs is! The outcome of your training is not yet known. For nowit looks like your path leads to both the light and darksides of the Force. Masterful with alightsaber, and well knowlegdable in the force. Hatred runs deep throughout your body. Yet yourfeelings towards others is very strong, full of love.
Dawn Of The Dead
You take pride in being different. You don't follow anytrend, you don't follow any path of
life - although this isn't the way it has always been. You used to
conform for the masses - you were just like everyone else. Whatever
your reasons were, you changed, and are now having fun being an
individual and standing out above the rest.
you are allison...the
basketcase. you're wierd and you like attention...but you ROCK!
you are allison...the
basketcase. you're wierd and you like attention...but you ROCK!
Captain Spaulding
He seems like the all
around good guy. He likes to play jokes, entertain all his guests.
Freddy Krueger
You are Freddy Krueger. You are the Elm Street Slasherand the Nightmare king. Once a reject and a total weirdo-nerd, you grew to be confidant and likable,despite the grotesqueries of your imagination. You're quite formidable and elusive,
but your powers have always been limited to where you are comfortable.
Be careful of over-exposure and underestimation. As an artist and
natural comedian, you should be warned that the funnier you are the
less intimidating you become. Enjoy the endless possibilities at your
disposal and you will acheive great bad-ass-ness.
You are aslacker-not to the extreme but extreme. You hate your step-dad love your 3-year girlfriend and likestaying at home playing TimeSplitters 2 with Ed.
You are Wayne!You love tp party and you love music and your guitar, fun lving and laid back
7th HeaVeN, 24, aNGeL, aNDRoMeDa, BaTTLeSTaR GaLaCTiCa, BeaST WaRS TRaNSFoRMeRs, BoY MeeTS WoRLD, BuFFy: THe VaMPiRe SLaYeR, all 3 CSI'z, DeaD LiKe Me, DRaWN ToGeTHeR, FuLL HouSe, HeRoeS, MiND oF MeNCiA, THe HoNeYMooNeRs, all the LaW & oRDeR'z, THe ReaL WoRLD, RoaD RuLeS, RoMe, SLeePeR CeLL, SLiDeRS, SouTHPaRK, STaR TReK, TRiPPiN' THe RiFT, WHoSe LiNe iS iT aNyWaY?, WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT!!!
Kyle Broflovski
You'rethe smart kid in your class. You find yourself to be normal and a relatively nice person. Nobodypicks on you, and you dont pick on anyone.
White Ranger
You are the White Ranger, you are Tommy. Your weapon is theSaba. You are the tiger and the falcon.
You are Locke Youare the Ambassador of the island. You can be a wierdo at times, but you know more than anyone else.
Tenderheart Bear
Tenderheart is a loving and lovable bear who knows lotsabout helping others share their
feelings. By helping people show they care, Tenderheart Bear helps
spread love and make it grow. He wears the perfect symbol for his job
on his tummya heart.
You're Gunn!
You have a hard shell but a soft interior.
Quagmire.. Never gives up with the
Can you get enough sex?? Aside from being immune to mace you have many other skills.You can fly a plane... And have sex with
anyone... anywhere. Except for Lois
Ain't I a little stinker?
You are Bugs
He's irrepressible, irreverent, dynamic, confidant and
the star of the show! It's easy to see why people love you! And why
some may envy you - you've got more charisma than you can poke a carrot
at! And an uncanny knack for getting out of sticky situations - usually
with the aid of some fast chatter and a glib remark, or some trick
you've got tucked up your sleeve.
urannoying, childish and just there. u are NOT the spotlight of the show. you get about two words everyepisode!
Roxy is the toughreaper. Don't mess with her, or she'll mess you up. She's a loyal reaper, she's brutally honest, andsometimes even cold & calculated. She isnt afraid to use her soul-taking powers, she's not afraid ofpulling out her gun, either. Roxy is someone you want to keep as a friend, and not an enemy.
You are trunksthe little boy who still fights as long as its fun.
Captain James T.Kirk
You shoot first, apologize later. You always get the girl and cheat death manytimes. You are envied far and wide
You have greeneyes. Green is the color of balance. Your eyes symbolize your ever need to learn. Green bringspeace and harmony into our lives, as you may be a very optimistic person. At times you may beplacid, lethargic, lazy, and slow, to the point of becoming moody and depressed. You may also beapathetic and have a fear rejection. Do not feel bad though, for what you may lack, you can in yourability to heal and bring hope to people. Some words to describe you: growth, fertility, harmony,healing, refreshing, peaceful, contentment, satisfaction, confidence, prosperous, hopeful, lucky, andbeautiful.
Control ofElectricity
Oohh.. electricity. It snaps, zaps, crackled, and booms, and also is your gift.You can be seen outside on a stormy night on top of an old building, laughing as you make lightingfall from the heavens. But who said that was a bad thing? It can be fun to give your friends afriendly jolt every once in a while.
You belong in thefuture! You ROCK! I love people who are optimistic about the future.