I am really friendly, very open minded, intelligent, unreserved, eccentric, redundant, silly, genuinely enthusiastic by nature, often indecisive, spontaneous, opinionated, tolerant, complex, considerate, encouraging, inspiring, sincere, compassionate, artistic, musically gifted, ..I can be cynical, facetious,sarcastic (but mainly to idiots), so.. I am a mix of contradictions, and I have learned to embrace most of them, but not the most important ones. Not really ready to give them all up yet, cuz I like some of my character defects, fond of them, even. I am not one to pursue friendships or relationships but if people need ME or need someone to talk to or if they need someone to make sense of their life, I am here for them. I try to think logically and I am continuously looking for reason and seeking ways to help others and solve their problems more than my own. I am open minded more than most people I know, and try to be as honest as possible. I will lie when it's necessary, but I prefer to lay my cards out on the table so there are no surprises. I do keep some things to myself and I might tell you and I might not. Depends on you. Make sure when you ask me questions about my past, that you are prepared for the answer. Cuz you may be sorry you asked. I try to take the middle path in my life between excess and absence. I don't like people who slander other people's names or people that destroy people's happiness. I can't stand vindictive people, or people that restrict me from doing as I please. Keeping me from things I love fucking pisses me off. I will ask alot of questions because I seek knowledge on things that interest me. I am fascinated with some people's stories and theories and different opinions and common interests. I learn from people and people make the world go round. I admit I don't care for EVERYBODY. I am very selective about who I hang with and who I give the time of day. Sometimes I am WRONG about who I have selected too. Unfortunately I am a really bad judge of character because I tend to idealize people.I spent a great percentage of my life trying to figure people out and what makes people do the things they do. To be honest with you, I don't really know how alot of them cross the street. I am better at solving other people's problems than my own. For some reason I do not apply these same solutions and ways of thinking to my own life. I even lie to myself, unfortunately. Who doesn't? I have tact, empathy, compassion and a kind gentle heart if I like you and most people trust me....if not at first....they will eventually. There ARE ones that don't. Some for good reason, past errors I have made and shit. The others with trust issues have just had bad experiences. I hate to say....that I am one of them, at times. I have gotten through most of these things and I am still working on the rest.
I have high speed internet
Quick downloads
Tons of music.
We can swap.
To contact me
[email protected]
[email protected]
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