+|Dez Van Dice|+ [:TaNkS'n LiPsTiCkS:] profile picture

+|Dez Van Dice|+ [:TaNkS'n LiPsTiCkS:]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

[:SAVE THE WORLD, COZ ITS THE ONLY PLANET WITH CHOCOLATE:][:LIKES:] KöS, GiOtTo, KlÄuScHeN, RoSSi, UsChi, KaTjA, YpS, mUm, DaD, HaNsi, aNiTa, mA cLaSs, vNv NaTiOn, MuSiC, fReAkY & iNtErEsTiNg pEoPlE, fUn, EbM, InDuStRiAl, cAnDiEs, SuOmi, PaRfUmE, cRaZy StuFf, tAtToO's, KiDs, HelLo KiTtY, PiNk & bLaCk, MiNsTrElS XD, sKuLLs, fLoWaS, LiZzArDs, CiGaRetTeS, AmEriCa, DiSnEy StUfF, TaNkS, rEd LiPsTiCk, LiPgLoSs, GuNs, MiLLiTaRy StUfF, LoUiS vUiTToN, kNuCkLeS, MaKe Up, nAiL pOliSh, SmAcKeRs, LoTTa LuV sTuFf, DeSsrT tReAtS sTuFf, CoFfEe...[:DISLIKES:] MeN's, mA FaMiLy, DePrEsSiVe PeOpLe, FaCiSmN, sPiDeRs, pEoPlE wHo SmElLs, iDiOTs, BoRiNg PeOpLe, pEoPlE wHo AdD mE & dOn't wRiTe AnY sTuFf (WhAt ThE hElL r Ya DoIn HeRe?!), eMo KiDs!!! [:pReTtY iN piNk:]

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Pink heart design

My Interests

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â™ YoUâ™ 

My Blog

French Fries & Cheeseburger Lipbalm

As I promised in the Bulletin I'll write sumthin about these both flavours! :)At first :Cheeseburger from the Lotta Luv Diner DelightsThe Lipbalm is orange, the wrapping is brown with a Cheeseburger o...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 11:35:00 GMT

New Arrivals - 02.06. & 06.06.09

Here are my new arrivals!!! <3In Total :68 Smackers25 Lotta Luvs04 Others02.06.09Smackers Splash'n Shine - Pink Nilla MintSmackers Snap Gloss - Sugar Sprinkles & StrawberrySmackers Glitter Gloss - ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 11:10:00 GMT

mY ToP 10 oF SuMmEr LiPbAlMs

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H ere's a list of my Top-Ten Summer-Lipbalms! :)1. Lotta Luvs Popsicle2. Smackers Sun Melon Punch3. Smackers Blackberry Frost4. Smackers Skitt...
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 09:57:00 GMT

LiPbAlMs ThE 2. PaRt

Today I want to introduce you 5 more Lipbalms! Enjoy! :)Lipsmackers Splash'n ShinePink Nilla MintYUMM, I lub that flava, its the best I've ever had! The colour of the lipbalm is light pink and the tex...
Posted by on Mon, 25 May 2009 09:14:00 GMT

LiPbAlMs'N gLoSsEs - ReAd My OpiNiOn (MaYbE a HeLp 4 ThE nExT bUy)

Hey PPL!Thats gonna be the first Part of my Lipbalms and Glosses Series in which I'd like to introduce some of my lipbalms I own and rate them. I will write about the flavour, were to get them. It sha...
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 05:46:00 GMT

My FaV LiPsMaCkErS

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3Lipbalms/Glosses Total = 56 piecesLipsmackers Total = 39Lotta L...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 03:07:00 GMT

Oh My Gosh - See Ma Fav 80s Toys!

Oh My Gooosh! Look what I've found - I had all these toys! And gave'em away, now I could cry, coz I miss'em sooo! Look how cute they are! I can't believe it! PJ Sparkles! Popcorn Pretties - Lotta C...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:27:00 GMT