Born and raised in Antwerp, Belgium it felt close to being baptised in a bath of electronic music. It's maybe a small city in an even smaller country but it's right in the center of Europe and trough time the city and it's people allways left their mark on electronic music. Because of the city's florescent nightlife and the 24/7 mentallity I had the chance to spend my youth in club's like the Café d'Anvers and on many raves like the Cirque d'Anvers parties by AD&AL.
In this small cocoon of electronic music it was that I took my first steps as a dj and soon I was hooked on spinning the decks. At first I played house and techno but soon I picked up the more off-beat, wonky side of electronic music. I played on lots of private parties first and also organised some small events myself, but then when a friend introduced me to a local booking agency things speeded up quickly. Not only did I get to play in the Belgian clubcircuit more often, I also got to play on some awesome raves and festivals and had the chance to meet, greet and play alongside some of my peers.
As every other artist with some selfrespect I expanded my horizons in order to improve.
Exploring the wide range of music, I stumbled over lots of different styles and intresting subgenres. And I witnessed exeptional, innovative artists performing some amazing stuff.
Inspired by all these great influences I started to work on my own productions in my little studio. In a performance of mine you can find all kinds of electronic music without putting things into defenitions and not regarding any bounderies.However I must declare my love for a fine soup of maximal techno and twisted elektro.
For the record; I am a slow cook but a fast mixer ;-)
Anno 2007 I moved to the south of Spain to explore a bit more of the wonderfull world surrounding us. Guided by sunlight, inspired by the beautiful nature of the Veja Baja area. Grateful about all that is past, looking forward for things to come...
Expect the unexpected !
For booking & info:
[email protected]