sweet&gross profile picture



About Me

Long time friends D.J. carl average sound and K.L.S. were driving a Jeep on the streets of the 'hill'. that they had borrowed from the ever so clever Newt Casinova (who happened to be visiting Iraq in lieu of the recent event and his religious beliefs). As the two fumbled about Newts belongings and private driving things they discovered a a 'key'. Not just any key mind you-A special key- A key of many keys. The jeep laiden musical Knights of uptownstudios soon found themselves counting Quarters to insert into the Pay Phone, the conversation went as follows:++ K.L.S. : "YO Pimp daddy hoe bucket what the fuck is goin downtown in yo town bitch?"PIMP DADDY HO BUCKET: "SHIIIIT?"K.L.S.: "YEAH YEAH D'AS RIGHT!, YO D.J. Carl found that thing you wanted 'B' you know. "PIMP DADDY HO BUCKET: "SHIIIIT!!" ++This 'thing' was a burnt copy of "Patton v.s. the exicutioners". D.J. Carl thrust himself into the drivers door and directly out of the passenger door onto the ground. Then K.L.S. hopped into the drivers seat and commenced activating the clutch system of the vehicle-Only to his surprise to find- they we already at Uptown Studios (the pay phone was just outside). Carl laughed smuggly and called K.L.S. inside the door which led to many more doors- the doors to Uptown studios. Once inside and fully caped and masked the two Lit the blow tourch and started to work on what would later be known as...................... shite- i forget...... anyway, about two weeks later they decided to start a musical experiment called sweet and gross with Newt Casinova "yada yada yada, blah blah blah,da dada da da..." Lets recap:NEWT CASINOVA- KLS- DJ CARL AVERAGE SOUND- ADAL RECORDS- A YEAR THAT DIDNT EXSIST- ??blow torch???( think about it) I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 2/14/2007
Sounds Like:
Record Label: ADAL RECORDS
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Promises Kept.....new A.D.A.L. material available here....

Here it is folks. DJ Snuffs debut album. Get it free.....get it NOW!!!!!   http://rapidshare.com/files/33893230/DJSnuffBigBossPackage.z ip.html...
Posted by sweet&gross on Mon, 28 May 2007 10:40:00 PST

Just A Quickie For All You Sluts

Promises, promises, promises......... I know, I know. A.D.A.L. always talks about all this shit we have going on yet we never update the website. Well if I had to blame anyone it would be Nicknameless...
Posted by sweet&gross on Tue, 22 May 2007 10:22:00 PST

A.D.A.L. Goes On A Road Trip

Well&&we made it. That is correct. Gobbit, $B-Money$, K.L.S, and Newt Casinova made it to France and back without incident. Time was short and the pace was fast. 48 hours (24 driving), 30 cigarillos, ...
Posted by sweet&gross on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 05:48:00 PST

Blog, Bark, Barf, Update

K.L.S. here. Writing to you from east of the west side of central Edmonton. I've spent the past 51 days walking in the woods. Now I am done and will soon be heading back to good ole' Springhill, Nova ...
Posted by sweet&gross on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 01:31:00 PST

http://rapidshare.com/files/16285518/SweetNGrossSMASH.zip.ht ml

hey hey man!alright ya!ok http://rapidshare.com/files/16285518/SweetNGrossSMASH.zip.ht mlhttp://rapidshare.com/files/16285518/SweetNGrossSMASH.zip. html try that out pickles....
Posted by sweet&gross on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:45:00 PST