About Me
es_ha from raditko on Vimeo .
Es_ha je zacÃnajúci dubstepový a grimeový DJ/producent zo Zvolena. Na slovenskej hudobnej scéne je známy skôr ako drum and basový MC Shady. Od mikrofónu ku gramofónom sa dostal po dvoch rokoch mixovania na pocÃtaci, ked si uvedomil, že mixovanie pre neho nie je len chvÃlkový rozmar.
Grime a UK Garage ho oslovili v roku 2003, a ked si kupoval prvé platne iÅ¡lo práve o tieto Å¡týly. Od grime k dubstepu nie je daleko a jeho sety sa zacali obohacovat aj o túto odnož UK GARAGEu. V súcasnosti sú jeho sety väcÅ¡inou pestré a skladajú sa najmä z dubstepu, inÅ¡trumentálneho a vokálneho grimeu, breakstepu a tvrdÅ¡ieho UK garageu. Má rád „živé“ mixovanie a rýchle prechody. Do svojich mixov sa snažà „nasúkat“ co najviac trekov, jeho mixy sú eneregické a prekvapivé. Pri mixovanà sa snažà využÃvat vÅ¡etku dostupnú techniku, preto niekedy môžeme od neho pocut mixy viac ako naraz.
V poslednom case sa objavuje najmä na akciách STEP IT UP v Nových Zámkoch, na organizácii ktorých sa podiela, na akciách SPIRAL vo Zvolene, ale stihol si už zahrat na festivale BeeFree, festivale Codered Free OA a niekolkých dalÅ¡Ãch kluboch. S produkciou vážnejÅ¡ie zacal až vo februári 2007eS_Ha is an up and coming GRIME and DUBSTEP DJ/producer from Zvolen, Slovakia. HE is a member of the renowned crew SPIRAL, which focuses mainly on DNB. Former drum'n'bass MC,he got to know the sound of UK G,grime and later dubstep,and after he bought his frist decks he decided to go this direction. Right now he is one of the first DJs who does grime, dubstep, breakstep mixes at raves in Slovakia. Dubstep and grime are the main areas of his interest and beacause there is not much of this music in Slovakia, he started a night called Step It Up, where he intends to start spreading the musical virus round. He has performed at two big summer festivals and some club raves, having good reactions from the crowd. Also in 2007 he had achieved his first succes as a grime producer, when his track called Guns'n'Roses got released on a Czech digital label called Owntempo recordings owned by a Czech dubstep producer Side 9000. His tunes are played at some internet radio stations (Subfm, Manic FM, FUSION RADIO, etc.) and in he has just established links with a canadian crew UK Connection, who are the best ds/grime crew in Canada. Theres much to look forward to from eS_Ha in the future. Also check his myspace for some of his beatz.