maureen profile picture


...i'm doomed

About Me

My Interests

abandoned picture palaces, driving around, climbing up mountains, making things, playing records, destroying records, writing on records, hammering things into metal, zombies, demons, jumping on beds, polaroid instant cameras, ruined film, coats, manipulating vestigial media, hacking hardware, late 50s/ early 60s sci-fi films, theories of time, carving plastic, academic bullshit, copyright law, scandinavia, scotland, nothing.


...trail of dead, acid mothers temple, adverts, beat happening, big youth, black flag, brian jonestown massacre, circle jerks, cure, dinosaur jr., bob dylan, the fall, guns n' roses, hefner, iggy pop, jane's addiction, gladys knight, josef k., joy division, lemonheads/ evan dando, modern lovers, moldy peaches, mbv, nmh, pavement, raincoats, otis redding, rolling stones, smiths, sunn o))), unrest, velvet cacoon, tom waits, walkmen, x, zombies


scorpio rising, five easy pieces, royal tenenbaums, valley girl, solaris, ordet, hollywood boulevard, metropolis, king lear: fear and loathing, weekend, blonde venus, blue velvet, m, brackhage, diary of a chambermaid, sympathy for the devil, night and fog, picnic at hanging rock, ciao! manhattan, dig!, rocky horror picture show, heart of the world, withnail and i, fast times at ridgemont high, searching for the wrong-eyed jesus, gray gardens, el topo


twin peaks, to serve them all my days, dallas, the secret lives of machines, children of the stones


everything bad is good for you; secret history; finnegan's wake; headbirths, or the germans are dying out; ask the dust; fargo rock city; behind the mask: on sexual demons, sacred mothers, transvestites, gangsters, drifters and other japanese cultural heroes; black hole; free culture: the nature and future of creativity; mix tape: the art of cassette culture; of grammatology; postmodern condition: a report on knowledge; society of the spectacle; archaeologies of the future: the desire called utopia and other science fictions


exene cervenka, sue de beer, kenneth anger, jean-luc godard, james joyce, valie export, david byrne, dj spooky, t.s. eliot, kawara on, fredric jameson, brian eno, danger mouse, tracey emin