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Ami Martini-Fisher

Ami Martini-Fisher

About Me

Born from an Australian father and an Asian mother, AMI MARTINI-FISHER started her professional career at the age of 9, appearing in television commercials. Ami made her theatrical debut at the age of 15 as Laurie in Barking Gecko Theatre Co.'s "When the Old Man Comes Rolling Home" and quickly followed up the success with "Women and Wallace" as Sarah. She then moved on to become a resident actor in Patch Theatre Company, Australia, appearing in plays by Sophocles (“Oedipus Rex” as the Chorus), Shakespeare (“Twelfth Night” as Viola and “Taming of The Shrew” as Katherine), Chekov (“Ivanov” as Sascha) and Ionesco (‘The Lesson” as the Pupil).Ami's directing credits include “Cinderella”, “The Surgery”, and “Teach Me how to Cry” for NYAS Company. During her time as director for NYAS, Ami also performed in Noel Coward's “Blythe Spirit” as Elvira, Neil Simon's "Gingerbread Lady" (Polly) and "Table Settings" (Carrie). Ami was also a member of DanceArts Group Singapore, and has performed with premier Guzheng Ensemble Groups in China and Singapore.Ami’s writing credits include films "The Stalker" and "Roads", award-winning Indonesian television series “Bajaj Bajuri” from 2003 to 2005 and musicals such as “Mr. Crocodile’s Gift”, performed in Tokyo, Japan for Unesco in 2003, “Srini”, performed in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2005 and “The Violin Man” (recording, 2006). She received honorable mention from Danniil Paschkoff Literary award in Germany for her play “Someday I’ll Make the Angels”.After travelling Asia since 2001, Ami returned to Australia in 2005 to continue her music studies. While studying, she also appeared in a production of “The Children’s Hour” as Karen Wright and an independent film “Entropy in a Blue Dress”. Ami also wrote plays “History of the Arts” and “My Father Had a Son”, both performed in Melbourne. She graduated with distinction in 2007. Also in 2007 Ami joined retro-original band, Mo-Tunes to do shows around Australia.Ami’s musical and opera credits include 'Patch Holidays' (Soprano), 'Dr. Koppelius' (Olympia), 'Hansel and Gretel' (Hansel), 'Melody of Guzheng' (Reflection) and 'The King and I' (Ensemble), as well as over a hundred concerts and recitals in ensembles and as a soloist in Asia and Australia.

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PERFORMANCE HISTORY. ACTOR/SINGER : 2000- Present “The King and I” (Ensemble), "Entropy in a Blue Dress" (Girl), "The Children's Hour" (Karen Wright), “Bajaj Bajuri” (Kate), “Melody of Guzheng” (Reflection), “Wild Things” (Suzie), “Blythe Spirit” (Elvira, Ruth), “The Gingerbread Lady” (Evie, Polly), “Table Settings” (Carrie), “The Frog Prince” (Princess Esmeralda). “Hansel&Gretel” (Hansel), “Dr. Koppelius” (Olympia), “Via Crucis” (2nd woman), “The Good Doctor” (Various), “Taming of The Shrew” (Katherine), “Poems, Youth&Spring” (Chorus), “Tell Me Another Story” (Mother), “The Lesson” (Pupil), “The Adventures of Peter Rabbit “(Various), “Patch Holiday” (Soprano), “Three Knaves of Normandy” (The Judge, The Shepherd), “Goldilocks& the Three Bears” (Goldilocks, Mama Bear) 1990-1999 “Property of the Clan” (Jade) , “The Storm” (Katerina), “Merchant of Venice” (Portia), “Cherry Orchard” (M. Ranyevskaya), “As You Like It” (Rosalind), “Twelfth Night” (Viola), “Daylight Savings” (Stephanie), “Last of the Red Hot Lovers” (Elaine), “Europe”(Barbara), “Ivanov” (Sasha), “Cosi” (Lucy), “Mrs Warren’s Profession” (Vivie), ”A Streetcar Named Desire” (Nurse), “Oedipus Rex” (Chorus), “Twelfth Night Revisited” (Sir Toby Belch), “Summer of the 17th Doll” (Bubba), “Roads” (Amy), “Came Back to Show You I Can Fly” (Angie), “Women&Wallace” (Sarah), “The Diary” (Clown), “When the Old Man Comes Rolling Home” (Laurie), WRITER/COMPOSER: THEATRE/MUSICALS - “My Father Had a Son”, “The Violin Man”, “History of the Arts”, “Srini”, “Mr. Crocodile’s Gift”, “The Diary”, “Twefth Night Revisited”, FILMS/TELEVISION– “Bajaj Bajuri”, “The Stalker (I Wouldn’t Do That If I Were You)”, “ Roads”, NOVELS/BOOKS/STORIES – "Ghosts", "Last Night at the Rose", "The Piano Technique", “Someday I’ll Make the Angels”, “Kencan Buta Katherine”, “Pengganti”, “Back to Basic”, “An Actor’s Note” DIRECTOR: “The Childrens Hour”, “Cinderella”, “The Surgery”, “Teach Me how to Cry”, “Tell Me Another Story”, ”The Governess”, “Twelfth Night Revisited” CHOREOGRAPHER: “Magical Music of Disney Concert”, “FWA Fashion Show”, “ESMOD Fashion Competition”, “Hari Musik Nasional”

My Interests


Member Since: 2/14/2007
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None