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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

heey this is the one and only andrreaa!♥ well imma talk a little about my best friend alberrtoo! he is soo funny! yeah he is. he ALWAYS has a girlfriend. i dunno how and or why but he does. ive known him for 6-7 years now. whoa! loong ass time huh? hahahha well yeah hes always been a grreat friend. we have gotten into fights and arguements and shit but hes still my best friend to this day. he listens to a lot of different types of music but hes still who he is and i cant change that. and neither can anyone else. so for those haters. hahaha trust me either he'll beat the crap out of you or.. he'll get someone to beat the crap out of you. so keep it coming bitches. and for the girls out there. dont even bother duude. i have to approve. ;] well he always asks me so pretty much i approve. hahahah ok well alberrtoo i love you!♥ and ive always got your back. ♥andrreaaName: ALBERTO GANDARA. Birthdate: APRIL 17. Birthplace: CV. Current Location: EASTLAKE. Eye Color: BROWN. Hair Color: BLACK . Height: 5'6". Weight: 140. Piercings: NO. Tatoos: NOPE. Overused Phraze: FUCK YOU BITCH. Food: BBQ WINGS. Candy: NO CANDY. Number: 42. Color: BLACK. Animal: SNAKE. Drink: PEPSI Alcohol Drink: (none). Bagel: BLUE BARRY. Letter: Z. Body Part on Opposite sex: EYES. Pepsi or Coke: PEPSI. Strawberry or Watermelon: WATERMELON. Hot tea or Iced tea: ICED TEA. Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE. Hot Chocolate or Coffee: HOT CHOCOLATE. Kiss or Hug: KISS THEN A HUG. Dog or Cat: DOG. Rap or Punk: PUNK. Summer or Winter: SUMMER. Scary Movies or Funny Movies: BOTH. Love or Money:MONEY. YOUR... Bedtime: WHENEVER I GET TIRED. Most Missed Memory: BEATTING PEOPLE UP Best physical feature: WINNING A MMA COMPETITION. First Thought Waking Up: DOING MY HAIR. Goal for this year: WIN AS MANY FIGHTS POSSIBLE Weakness: (NO WEAKNESS) Fears: (NO FEARS) Heritage: HISPANIC HAVE YOU.... Ever Drank: NO. Ever Smoked: NO. Pot: FUCK NO. Ever been Drunk: NO. Ever been beaten up: NO. Ever beaten someone up: YES. Ever Skinny Dipped: NO. IN A GUY/GIRL Favorite Eye Color: BLUE OR HAZEL. Favorite Hair Color: DIRTY BLONDE OR BROWN. Short or Long: medium. Height: MY HEIGHT OR SHORTER. Style: EMO OR SKATER. Looks or Personality: LOOKS. Hot or Cute: BOTH. Drugs and Alcohol: NONE. Muscular or Really Skinny: middle. RANDOMS Number of Regrets in the Past:NOT THAT MANY... What country do you want to Visit: ITALY. How do you want to Die: YOUNG AGE 40 OR 50. Been to the Mall Lately: YES. Do you like Thunderstorms: HELL YEAH. Get along with your Parents: SOMETIMES . Health Freak: NO NOT A FREAK BUT I DO CARE ABOUT HEALTH. Do you think your Attractive: HELL YES I AM. Believe in Yourself: YUP. Want to go to College: YUP. Do you Smoke: NO. Do you Drink: NO. Shower Daily:I SHOWER 4X A DAY. Been in Love: YEAH. Do you Sing: HELL NO I HAVE UGLY VOICE. Want to get Married: NOT REALLY. Do you want Children: KINDA. Have your future kids names planned out: NO. Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 15. Hate anyone: MYSELF...................................................... .......

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