*CAitEy* profile picture


Make Every Good Thing Last Longer

About Me

Myspace Layouts @ JellyMuffin.comHey I'm Caitlin, but my friends know me as Caitey or Caito. I go to Sandgate High, Year 12..nearly finished.I love all my mates and i let them know who they are! I'd do anything for my true friends. I don't trust very many people! Sometimes i believe that i love people too much, and just get myself hurt.I seem to make alot of wrong decsions, but i have no regrets! Lifes too short!I love partying and meeting new people, and getting your dance on!! lol...I don't like when people brake your heart, but life goes on! Liers or cheats! When people put you down. I think boys cause alot of trouble..but they are usually worth it all..if their the right one.The best thing about waking up everyday is family, friends, parties, the rain, "twirls", chewing gum, kisses and cuddles are right behind them, mobile phones, the internet, alcohol,lychees, lasagne, sales, ceral, peanut butter toast with butter and honey, watermelon, mango, strawberries, make-up, sunny days, a full moon, the beach, sand in your toes, wet hair, watching movies cuddled up with a blankie,hot choclate, carmel mochas,sun showers, bonfires, animals, fast cars, cute 4-wheel drives, dresses that blow in the wind, shoes, TV, having people love you, my black havy thongs, mango ice-cream, peoples eyes, LAUGHING and SMILING, loud music (techno, r'n' b) hot showers,LIPTON ICE-TEA (peach), snuggling in bed, having the window down when you drive in the car, and falling asleep at the end of a long day.

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I think life is full of obstacles…but you can’t let them get in your way! Life’s way to short, so don’t hold grudges and forgive quickly. Don’t spend your life crying, if your going to cry at least smile while you’re doing it. I think that dreams do come true, you just need to believe in them enough. I believe in signs, and I believe that when a person believes in themselves they can do anything. I believe that love is the best gift anyone can be given, and I believe you can’t look for love, it just finds you. I believe that if you love someone you should let them know and show that world because time passes so quickly. I don’t think you can judge people by how they live, or how they look, just because people look or live different to you doesn’t make them any less unhappy. I believe everybody should get second chances and that there’s always good within every person. I believe singing makes you feel happier, no matter how bad you sound. I believe that fashion is over-rated; everybody should dress how they please. *Laughing is the best medicine that can be given to anyone*, I believe that you should have time to yourself and find out who you are, I think the word ‘sorry’ is used to much in the world, I believe missing people makes you realize how much they mean to you, and that losing people makes you realize what a good thing they were and how much you took them for granted, I believe that you should make the most of your life because you never know when it will end, you never know when someone close to you will disappear…