Everyone. All People of all Faiths. Your Path to Enlightenment
may be different than mine and my brethren. The journey each of us takes is different, and all are valid. The dogma differs but the end goal of being with and knowing our creator is the same for all. And Yes the Atheist, and other beliefs or non belief peoples are welcome.
Take a peek and see how crazy we are.
My God is a loving God. Who I, mortal and not being all knowing, believe is a happy, wink and a nudge, jovial God.
He, who would rather see me and mine as His happy Children.
I believe also God can take a joke, ( Who gave us our wicked wit and sense of Humor? )
The world is quite sorrowful, He suffered and died so we could have a eternal life. So lets live best life we can.
You can be serious without being sad.
You can be respectful without being subservient.
Do not lie, and place blame upon others when the fault is your own.
Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden because they lied to God and blamed the serpent.
Cain was banished after he denied to God his killing of his brother Able. He then Mocked God by whining
"Am I my Brothers Keeper?"
Yes, We are ALL our brother's keeper. That was the point God was teaching Cain.
I believe Dismas was accepted by Jesus because he did not lie. He blamed no one for his punishment because he took responsibility for himself.
Do not Lie, be responsible for your actions.
To thine own self be True.