I am a freelance professional, who takes on a variety of roles to help individuals, businesses and non-profit organizations work smarter for the greater good. www.SenackandAssociates.com
Also I write a weekly column for the Toledo Free Press covering philanthropy news. Usually this is from the perspective of sponsorship - why businesses get invest in the community through charity events. I am pleased to cover a feature story on occasion for the TFP as well. www.toledofreepress.com
One of the most fun things I do is to teach a philosophy course or two at Lourdes College. Western philosophy is my formal academic background. It is rewarding and exciting to teach students to think for themselves and question authority. Perhaps this is the most meaningful work I do. www.lourdes.edu
Insight into me... I have always been a quiet believer in utopia. I believe that working together we can make the world a better place. It can be prettier, more loving, more humane, more giving and more forgiving if we open our hearts and lives to each other, and we do the things that are within our reach.