Football, boxing, watching tv, msn, chess, myspace, having a laugh and music. I work alot so if im not online don't worry, i have my own office an i do CAD drawings, management and profile burning in working hours.
i would like to meet Sylvester Stallone, Tom Hanks, Adam Sandler, Muhammad Ail and any bands like Gunsnroses or Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
Guns N' Roses, Linkin Park, Dire Straits, X-Ecutioners, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Muse, Alien Ant Farm, The Eagles, The Smiths, ACDC, Michael Jackson, Iron Maiden, The Killers, Feeder, Aerosmith, Nirvana, Kaiser Chiefs, Foo Fighters, Queen, White Stripes, ColdPlay, Led Zeppelin, Snow Patrol, Pink Floyd, My Chemical Romance, Motorhead, Bob Marley and alot more, thats in no order atall lol
Loads but anything thats not horror or drama coz i really don't like building up shit lol. Rocky, Karate Kid, Beetlejuice, Rambo, Scream, Bruce Lees, Forrest Gump, South Park The Movie, PPV Wrestling and Happy Gilmore. Everything thats Funny, got Action in or thats just a pure class film.Your score on this personality test was 63%
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
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Pokemon!, Tom n Jerry, Cow n Chicken, Fottie, Funny Shit like South Park an Jackass, Porn :P and a load more.
Hmm i dont really read that much but i do alot of reading at work when i reading the drawing so that i can draw them :).
Quiz thing i did when i was really bored lol
Name? Matt
Sex? Male
Age? 17
Location? Levenshulme, Manchester
What color of hair do you have? Dark Brown
How often do you drink? When i feel like it, not every week
Fav color? Red, white and black
Whats your height? 6" Sumet like 2 Or 4
Shy or outgoing? Shy :(
what helps you to get to know people better? *Hugs* :D
How long do you spend on the computer? 3 Hours A Day not including work :P
What is your normal outfit? Jeans, shirts an jumpers if it cold
Who are three of your favorite bands/artists? Gunsnroses, Red hot Chilli peppers And linkin park
Do you drink/smoke? Yes + no
Do you play an instrument? No am hopeless =D
Are you single? Yeh
What is the longest relationship you have had? Few Months :(
How do you get around? Moped and bus
What is your fav type of food? Kfc, mcdonalds and pizza :p
What sports do you do/like? Football, snooker, boxing and lugging metal if that passes
What football team do you support? Manchester united
Do you go church? lol Nooo :P only at weddings and funerals
Shower offen? yepp night time
Do you miss your secondary school? yeah :(
Most over used phase?Lol and (I'm Tired) :P
What do you do at weekend?Fuckall normally, go town, msn, hang out with mates.
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