Hey, we are BACKLASH. We got totally bright idea to form a band round about christmas 2005. It all started when 2 guitarists and a drummer (Mik, Alan and Chris) were planning to enter the St. Maurices Christmas talent show. But only being together for 2 days, we did not make it past the auditions as you might have guessed. But after a few weeks we started practising in Pauls Halls with newly hired bassist Sean Mckenna but after a few months, he had to leave because he had other commitments. And then, we were lacking a bass player, so Alan decided to learn bass. Then we hired a new singer, Tommie McGuckin but after a few weeks he left for the benefit of his band Project:Charlie. So this left Chris, Mik, and Alan. Things were going well. Then we had to let Alan go because he couldnt make practices and hired bassist, Luke McGowan as his replacement. After a few gigs, We started looking for a new vocalist because Mik wanted to focus more on his guitar playing. So after holding some auditions for different people we finally found our new vocalist/rhythm guitarist Ciaran Scott. But after a few weeks we had to let him go because he didnt have the reliability we needed in our band. So then Mik and Luke decided to split the job of a singer between them and that takes us up to where we are today. Unfortunately, Luke then decided to leave the band. Martin Hughes was then hired as his replacement and that takes us to where we are today. We have a VERY D.I.Y. attitude to recording etc. Throughout our time as a band we've had many names; Undertone, Ballroom Anarchy, Backlash, Useless Generation and back to Backlash again. And that, my friend, is the history of backlash :). Now you are free to have a look around and listen to the choones and what not.
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