Backlash profile picture


About Me

Hey, we are BACKLASH. We got totally bright idea to form a band round about christmas 2005. It all started when 2 guitarists and a drummer (Mik, Alan and Chris) were planning to enter the St. Maurices Christmas talent show. But only being together for 2 days, we did not make it past the auditions as you might have guessed. But after a few weeks we started practising in Pauls Halls with newly hired bassist Sean Mckenna but after a few months, he had to leave because he had other commitments. And then, we were lacking a bass player, so Alan decided to learn bass. Then we hired a new singer, Tommie McGuckin but after a few weeks he left for the benefit of his band Project:Charlie. So this left Chris, Mik, and Alan. Things were going well. Then we had to let Alan go because he couldnt make practices and hired bassist, Luke McGowan as his replacement. After a few gigs, We started looking for a new vocalist because Mik wanted to focus more on his guitar playing. So after holding some auditions for different people we finally found our new vocalist/rhythm guitarist Ciaran Scott. But after a few weeks we had to let him go because he didnt have the reliability we needed in our band. So then Mik and Luke decided to split the job of a singer between them and that takes us up to where we are today. Unfortunately, Luke then decided to leave the band. Martin Hughes was then hired as his replacement and that takes us to where we are today. We have a VERY D.I.Y. attitude to recording etc. Throughout our time as a band we've had many names; Undertone, Ballroom Anarchy, Backlash, Useless Generation and back to Backlash again. And that, my friend, is the history of backlash :). Now you are free to have a look around and listen to the choones and what not.
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My Interests


Member Since: 13/02/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Mik "Jessica" Hamilton - Lead Guitar, Vocals, Screams
Chris "Kimmy" Goldie - Drums, Backing Vocals, Screams
Martin Hughes - Bass Guitar
Influences: Face-melting guitar-solos
Ridiculously fast drum-beats
Incredibly juicy bass-riffs
Monstorous metal-screams
Extraordinarily Tone-def Vocals
Any form of noise-pollution
Sounds Like: Free-form Noise Pollution
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

We’v been quiet for a while...

thats cos wev done nothing since september =P basically, we decided wer goin to be heavier than before and to more or les start over, meaning replacing our old songs unfortunately, wev not practiced i...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 19:37:00 GMT


Roughly halfway through recording our new EP, hopefully tracking will be out the way in a couple of weeks. We've got 8 songs at various levels of completion, from finished master to a couple of riffs ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 17:57:00 GMT

2008 holds..

A very late and a very happy new year to you all!  Just to let you know, we're not all dead.  Ever since Luke's prelims, we had lost contact for a period of time as everyone was far too busy...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 15:36:00 GMT


Hey guys Just you know, if all goes as planned, we will be entering the studio sometime in November and hopefully come out with a decent demo.  So keep and eye on our page and eventually you shou...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 17:23:00 GMT


GIG!!!!!! went amazin!!!!!!! Just wantin to say thanks to everyone who came.  Thanks to Scott for helping with P.A. equipment transportation.  Thanks to the two Ians for equipting us with a ...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 17:14:00 GMT

New Faces Outcome / other gig

Sappnin Last night was the final night of new faces.  So after bouncin about on bouncin thingys and hittin each other with footballs with Marie and other dancers for multiple hours, eating 2...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:24:00 GMT

New faces gig

Hey guys just to let you know, we got through to The New Faces competition.  The shows are on Monday the 11th of June and Tuesday the 12th of June in St. Patricks primary school in Kilsyth. ...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:01:00 GMT

New faces

Were going to be auditioning for the "New Faces" competition in Kilsyth on Wednesday the 16th... just to let you know
Posted by on Sun, 06 May 2007 09:35:00 GMT


We finished recording the new demo today. There's still some mixing to be done and hopefully it'll be up on thursday.
Posted by on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 16:17:00 GMT


hey guyssoz bout the delays on the demo gettin up.  Myspace is bein gay and not accepting the format that the tracks are in so we've gotta change some shit.  I don't know anything about this...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 21:44:00 GMT