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Hiphop is a culture,a way of life for a society of ppl who identify,luv and cherish MC'n,BBoying,DJi

About Me

I'm far from perfect.I swear it its this imperfection we inherit why I'm living wrong so I refuze to be a role model.I want to be commited but as long as pussy is outlaw Ill stay on my toes till I witness the union of souls.. ..The True Freshness, FinkOne.....In the early 1970s a musical genre was born in the crime-ridden neighborhoods of the South Bronx. Gifted teenagers with plenty of imagination but little cash began to forge a new style from spare parts. Hip-hop, as it was then known, was a product of pure streetwise ingenuity; extracting rhythms and melodies from existing records and mixing them up with searing poetry chronicling life in the 'hood, hip-hop spilled out of the ghetto. From the housing projects hip-hop poured onto the streets and subways, taking root in Bronx clubs like the Savoy Manor Ballroom, Ecstasy Garage, Club 371, The Disco Fever, and the T-Connection.From there it spread downtown to the Renaissance Ballroom, Hotel Diplomat, the Roxy, and The Fun House. It migrated to Los Angeles, where a whole West Coast hip-hop scene developed, sporting its own musical idiosyncrasies, its own wild style. Through television shows like BET's Rap City and Yo! MTV Raps and a succession of Hollywood movies, hip-hop gained millions of new fans across America, in places far removed from the genre's Bronx roots. It spread to Europe, Asia, Africa, and nearly every continent on Earth, gaining more cultural significance as the years rolled by. Today it is one of the most potent and successful musical forms of the 20th Century. Hip-hop is the voice of a generation that refused to be silenced by urban poverty, a local phenomenon fueled with so much passion and truth it could not help but reach the entire world. Like every musical genre that came before, hip-hop has its pioneers, artists who were essential in defining and popularizing the art form. This CD series showcases those legendary artists -- their songs and their enormous talents -- who created what today is known as rap.The History Of Rap. How can we truthfully tell this story? There are so many different versions. Who is correct? There were approximately ten different pioneers, each of whom stakes a claim as the originator: Pete DJ Jones, Kool DJ Herc, DJ Hollywood, Eddie Cheeba, "Love Bug" Starski, Grand Master Flash, Afrika Bambaataa, Kurtis Blow, the Sugarhill Gang, Run DMC. The names fit together like pieces to a puzzle. And as we assemble the puzzle, we have to give equal props to all, because it is the individual contributions, pieced together, that explain the true history of this billion-dollar-a-year phenomenon.To understand the history of rap, you need to know two things:1. Rap is talking in rhyme to the rhythm of a beat.2. Hip-hop is a culture, a way of life for a society of people who identify, love, and cherish rap, break dancing, DJing, and graffiti.................................................... ........................."Lets Hit em wt the Elements As I reflect on a course of action, how do we get back? How do we turn this negative into a positive AGAIN? The train has left the station; do we still have a ticket to ride? The beast has a master plan, they flip it on us WOW! Everyone is jigger booing to it!!! We need to hit them with the elements again, Graff, Djing, B-boys, MCs, consciousness, we need to reiterate, and reeducate, give them Essence, We need more young minds to get in tune with not only Hip Hop History...true roots and foundation, but more important their History as Brown people descendants of the original man & woman...these are the things not heard on the radio, not on TV, not in the magazines, or schools...where are the positive messages now? All I see and hear is the same brain washing misinformation, on a 24/7 rotation. They want to keep your lens fogged selling you capitalism and materialism degrade our women in the name of hip hop I think not! To use our great culture as a weapon against us? I think not!We need to take this back to a conscious state... I want to tell you that! Hip Hop was my revolution in the early 70s it was our voice, that became a movement, That gave birth to worldwide culture and an every day way of life...the generation now is truly blessed to have been born Into something that is bigger than us all... It is a gift from the past but many do not know it... EDUCATE YOURSELF!Stop being cattle, love your brothers and sisters respect them, respect yourself, And remember this, Hip Hop is the survivor of many wars throughout its history, And to think it all just started with the first needle drop in a park in the Bronx. Life is the greatest teacher, But the greatest of all teachers is the student! Each one, teach one, Knowledge of self is our greatest gift Peace and blessings."-Dj Disco Wiz MySpace Layouts @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments

My Interests

Women,cyphering,deep concentration,Reading,writing,Wrecking shit,rolling a fat one for the players to smoke,loitering,drinking,listening,mingling, working for mine and painting(my moment of truth)............I paint my own reality. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration. .............(Frida Kahlo),...Aint that the truth sister"

I'd like to meet:

My maker(4:whats da meaning of..?),Adam and Eve(2 say WTF happened?),King Salomon(4:the knowledge he posses),Einstein(E=mc2..??Istill dont get it!!),Guactemo(to learn the ways of my ppl and to try to give rebirth to the Aztec Empire...ccchhheeeooowww..lla sabes..Rifando el Norte de Mexico...(Califas)...sin duda........and ........."Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"......... thats just how its got2Be,..


Diverse,But in my ipod today:Pantera,Metallica,wu syndicate,paris,killah army,NIN,bronze nazareth,rage against the machine,immortal technique,j-live,old mobb deep shit,gangstar,beatnuts,noch(de Espana),el pecador, molotov,control machete,tragedy khadafi,....and all kinds of other musical flavors,...Its da universal language,u dont have to like all types of music out there but respect it..


Style Wars,beat street,crush groove,rock fresh,donnie brasco,Rad(now thats old school mutha fucka),Akira,Ninja Scroll,Ghost in da shell,menece to society,tombstone,requiem for a dream,kids,Snatch,amorres perros,y tu mama tambien,los ninos de la calle,bomb the system,domino(te amo),fight club,da majority of vampire flix,the godfather saga 1,2,n3,rounders,traffic,blow,n da occasional mind melting porn;)lol for real though...


U can only watch so much before ur mind goes numb...then u got pull da plug..


The Holy Scriptures,the four agreements(highly recommend:youll find under philosophy),angels and demons,art of war by Sun Tzu,interview with a vampire,the motorcycle diaries(bfor I had any knowldge about the film),Akira Vol.1-6(lol,...Ive only read & got vol.3),harry potter books are cool too...


The Son of God,(after looking at Michelles file I got to thinking 1st nasty things about Michelle then I took a cold shower and thought about:)My Moms single parents are on some hard shit My heart belongs to you Jefita,...mummia abu jammal,dr. king,malcom x, david(who defeated goliath),superman,and any soldier willing to die for his cause and people...power to the people

My Blog


http://www.youtube.com/v/PlLvL7CbSmM"> name="wmode" value="transparent">http://www.youtube.com/v/PlLvL7CbSmM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">...
Posted by Drug Seeking Habits" on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:48:00 PST


The true freshness
Posted by Drug Seeking Habits" on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 04:07:00 PST