SO we'll just split up all this stuff and then you can know about us individually.MEGHANN:
I'm 24 and live in Antelope, Ca. Antelope is just a few miles from Sacramento. I work at Delta Environmental Consultants in Rancho Cordova (basically Sacramento) as a Staff Scientist. I have a husband named Phillip, a son named Jachob, a Jack Russell name Shyla, a miniture dachshund named Kokomo, and a Basset Hound named Coach. In light of recent events I have learned not to sweat the small stuff, take it a day at a time, and to appreciate what I already have.PHILLIP:
I'm very happily married to my dream woman. I work for the Carmichael Park District. I'm very greatfull for all the things that God has blessed our life with after getting kicked out of the Navy. Meghann and I drive a brand new car and can afford to go out and have fun or get tattoo's. I'm not saying it's a piece of cake, but it's a lot easier than if I were still drinking and abusing drugs. And I love the 49ers!!!!