follow_romeo_ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

fuck it. fuck it. fuck it. fuck it.
that's it. me. ... i guess.
i don't want to begin with my name, like everyone else... so... i think let's begin with a lovely
F.U.C.K. Y.O.U.
fuck you
if u don't like me, so go on, but be sure, i won't care.
so. i'm sorry, maybe this was a impolite start.. so. let's go on.. polite^^
i'm jan
but i hate this name. you can call me janush or whatever you want^^
i don't really know what i should say about me..
at first, i'm full of contrasts. i am very paradoxial.
i am:
very thougtful and philosophic.
childish and stupid.
a good friend, always there for you.
in love with details.
a narcisstic asshole. (yes i love me, get over it)
a liar and a acter, make my life to a theatre-stage.
i can easily fall in love but its hard for me to hate.
eerm ... i tell a bit about my secondhand-life.
i live in a little boring town in germany.
i dream of a life in a big city.
my birthday is at the 14. february, theValentinesday
i love spring and autummn.
i get good marks at school.
i use kajal.
usually, love makes me sad.
poetry is my passion.
i like girls and boys. the gender don't lead my love.
klichees and stereo types are horrible.
often im happy or unhappy without a reason.
im a shopaholic.
acoustic versions of songs are my drugs.
most of my friends are girls.
i enjoy the sound and the air of rainy days.
and im a fuckin dreamer
maybe it sound a bit strange - but i've got a handful dreams. and they keep me alive. i think everyone should have goals and hopes.
and hell yeah
sometimes, i live in lies and dreams.
but fuck.
i also love the reality
i love the world, with all colours
usually, i really like my life.
and always, i love my friends.
ive got REAL friends
they mean ALL to me.
everyone of them takes a special place in my heart. and as long as i have them, noone can shatter my heart into pieces.
i try my best to help them, cause i know, they are there for me.
my goals sound simple (like love, friendships etc ^^) but theyre very important to me.
i only want to have a special life.
my own life.
i'm not an emo.
i'm not a fake.
i'm not ANYTHING
i am only myself.
get it?
i don't want to be like someone else, i just want to be me. and i always try to be individual!
i make my own profiles (even draw the backgrounds) and i love them.
my style is expression for me.
i love to design shirts and i wear them all the time^^ maybe its a kind of making yourself art ô.o
cause i loooove arts , i write a looot - poems, thougts and storys. its my passion since i CAN write.
an other hobby is to draw. and i love to play theatre! it's very cool to be someone else from yourself
i like creative people and people who think in other ways than the crowd :) i love all things wich are special and weird.
i don't like copies (every kind of fakes...)
please put the word IDIOT in your ADD so i know, you've read this and add you.
i wrote already to much. -.- i'm sorry.
so, i'm going to end this text. about me.
i dont know how..
let's be friends :D
you, know, life is a circle, so
fuck you

My Interests

i've got 3 hobbys x_X

at first, the drawing

i've got a lot of drawings at my photos.

my second hobby is playing theatre. i love it. it's an incredibal experience to play someone else on stage, have for some minutes the thougts and feelings of an other person.
my biggest hobby is poetry. i write a lot, poems and stories. i love it. you can read some things i wrote in my blogs, but only in german^^

I'd like to meet:

someone who isn't an idiot.

someone who loves me.


30 Seconds To Mars
My Chemical Romance
Jennifer Rosrock


Pans Labyrinth
American Beauty
Die Fremde In Mir
Chihiros Reise Ins Zauberland
KILL BILL Vol. 1+2



Jonathan Stroud:
I Bartimäus - Das Amulett von Samarkand
II Bartimäus - Das Auge des Golems
III Bartimäus - Die Pforte des Magiers
Die Eisfestung

Nancy Farmer:

Kai Meyer: (Lieblingsautor^^)
I Die Fließende Königen
II Das Steinerne Licht
III Das Gläserne Wort
I Die Wellenläufer
II Die Muschelmagier
III Die Wasserweber
I Seide und Schwert
II Lanze und Licht
III Drache und Diamant

Cornelia Funke:
I Tintenherz
II Tintenblut
III Tintentod
Herr der Diebe

Garth Nix:
I Sabriel
II Lirael
III Abhorsen

Darren O'Shaugnessy:
Darren Shan
(alle 12 Teile)


Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto

Eiichiro Oda: One Piece



black cats.

My Blog


Er war ein armer, alter, mächtiger Mann. "Meine Freunde besuchen.", antwortete ich ihm über die Schulter. "Freunde sind im Leben viel seltener, als du denkst, dass wirst du noch merken." Ich dreh...
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Jacob (kurzgeschichte)

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mhh... stark depressives gedicht

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Posted by follow_romeo_ on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:49:00 PST

Leere Worte ( so ne Art Kurzgeschichte loel)

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Posted by follow_romeo_ on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 09:21:00 PST