pedro profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

hmm lets see, i appear and can come off as being really shy and quiet around people i dont know, after getting to know me for a little bit i can be really talkative and fun to be around, i'm an opend minded person who loves trying new things (food especially) and getting to know people from all walks of life.the merging of two worldsnow just random things i like and dislike :)things i like:rain hitting my window, the smell of anything citrus, answering the telephone and screaming "telefono" when the phone rings, driving in the rain, rachael and dustin's funny voices, 2nd saturday art walks, popping bubble wrap, the smell of gasoline, ANYTHING chocolate, a full moon, writing in metaphors, walking in and around parks, black cats, telling mirella and dj "u're making a scene", hot showers, WINE, sunday new york times, kyle's wigged out hair, russian accents, peanuts, milano cookies, summer nights, mexican hot chocolate, red roses, laying in grassy leafy glades, the vintage lacoste gator, grocery shopping, shaking it like a salt shaker, popping the freshness buttons on coffee bags, distinctive noses, mangos y guayabas, vintage clothing stores, cuddling, sexy sirens, target commercials, mariachi and beanered out folk music, vaseline, my bed, cheesy love songs, cheese, sushi, tulips, showering with the a/c on in the summer time, chai, hot nerds, walking on crunchy leaves in autumn, impressionists paintings........................................things i dont like:not getting a thank u wave when being courtious on the road, being approached by people on their cell phones while on register, tardiness and flakes, tucking my shirt in, shaving every morning, bright lighting, clowns, smelly seafood, getting up before the sun does, waiting for hot water, people who only like the sound of their own voice, beanered and thugged out mexicans, girls with pencil thin drawn in eyebrows, starbuckians, cars that take up like 5 billion spaces, white trash, ingrates, peeing in stalls, big trucks/SUVs whose only purpose is compensation for those with penis envy, narcisists, being stared at by homophobes, people who think they have all the answers, being hit on by old men, weird textured meat, feeling restless, getting sweaty palms, old navy commericals,
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

drawing, photography, psychology, yoga, learning new languages and learning about different cultures, admiring art, parks, movies, cooking (even though i might not be the best at it), writing, traveling, music, hangning out with friends, coffee shops, driving..... no, this is not me in the pose... but i can do it upon request ;)

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I'd like to meet:

anyone with an open mind and something to say, people who like to try new things and go to new places, people who like to do things, not just talk about doing things... usually i don't accpet new friends who i don't know without being sent a message first :)When it comes to guys i don't think i am too particular, i do however like everyone else have preferences... i pretty much like regular guys who laid back and drama free, i am not hung up on looks, i think personality is just as imporant if not more important, it doesnt matter how good looking a person might think they are, an ugly personality can completely cancel that out. i can be a very affectionate and passionate person around the right guy...i do not do hook-ups, and long term potential is what i prefer... In What City Do You Belong?
You belong in Paris. You are a real romantic, you live to be loved. Paris will sure give you love!
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que buenas

generally i like all types with some exceptions---(country)....but a few of my favs which are in no particular order: norah jones, rachael yamagata, gloria trevi, coldplay, regina spektor, la oreja de van gogh, alejandra guzman, juanes, carole king, RBD, francoise hardy, TATU, thalia, kabah, vicente fernandez, black eyed peas, la 5ta estacion, pitbull, the veronicas, julieta venegas, gwen stefani, shakira, chetes, tegan and sara, paulina rubio, aterciopelados, lucero, jesee & joy, isabelle boulay, mana, lila downs, snow patrol, motel, belinda, belanova, stereophonics and probably others.....


any good scary movie.....willy wonka(original of course), the austin powers series,apocalypto, dumb and dumber, 007 goldeneye, Amelie, amores perros, the X-Men series, domino, la mala educacion, volver,les temoins, girl interupted, happenstance, babel, both kill bills, borat, brokeback mountain, a very long engagement, pans labyrinth, oldy beanered out movies :) and any good foreign film.


seinfeld, family guy, will and grace, reno 911, the simpons, the chelsea handler show, sex and the city, the amazing race, scrubs, top model........


mostly non-fiction, memoirs and the like...books about lost love in some serene setting...

My Blog

spanish buddy

so i’ve realized that my spanish is not as fluid as it used to be, which after thinking about it makes sense because the only time i actually have conversations in spanish is when i talk to my p...
Posted by pedro on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:45:00 PST

trying not to give off the wrong impression

I've come to the realization recently that I am not good at interacting and socializing very well when I am amongst a large group of people, especially when I do not know each individual person very w...
Posted by pedro on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 01:19:00 PST

glad to be home...

although i had a great time today at the beach, all the car trouble kind of put a damper on the trip for me, fortunately it was just the battery so i guess i should be grateful it was not anything ser...
Posted by pedro on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:27:00 PST

just some of my fav. quotes..........

*first 8 by: Rolf Gates.   "It takes most of us quite a while to see that our suffering is caused by our habitual thoughts about the world, rather than by the nature of the world. ...
Posted by pedro on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 10:38:00 PST

those little things....

The scent of wet skin stimulates all senses, Warmth forms droplets that pour down a window, Heat producing cravings and attachments, Interrupting lights dash on by a dark backdrop Unaware and indiffer...
Posted by pedro on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:12:00 PST

Las Hojas

En esta luna, las hojas se caen Anaranjadas, amarillas y rojas Cubren el suelo Como antes taparon el cielo Se caen despacio, con calma Flotando y bailando en el aire Buscando el lugar prefecto a donde...
Posted by pedro on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 11:22:00 PST

empezando de nuevo

Sentado, cansado y sin sentido Solo consuelo oler mi almohadita azul Por que en el sueño se desaparecen, Pero la realidad no es tan fácil de dominar Los pensamientos venenosos de cada día, Reflexiones...
Posted by pedro on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 12:13:00 PST

saying bye to sonoma county

just wanted to say thanx to all the great people and friends that i made this past spring semester, im gonna miss all of u, im also going to miss how easy i had it at sbux # 5367 and the great people ...
Posted by pedro on Sun, 28 May 2006 06:46:00 PST

my last day.......

As cheesy as it may sound Im going to very much miss my starbucks store, working there almost 4 years its really been like a second home, certain weeks I work so much that I probably spend more time a...
Posted by pedro on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 07:09:00 PST

my madre

So its xmas and I realized that the best part of today was not the gifts but the great food, of course we had tamales and atole which were both amazing which then made me realize how wonderful my mom ...
Posted by pedro on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 03:37:00 PST