drawing, photography, psychology, yoga, learning new languages and learning about different cultures, admiring art, parks, movies, cooking (even though i might not be the best at it), writing, traveling, music, hangning out with friends, coffee shops, driving..... no, this is not me in the pose... but i can do it upon request ;)
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anyone with an open mind and something to say, people who like to try new things and go to new places, people who like to do things, not just talk about doing things... usually i don't accpet new friends who i don't know without being sent a message first :)When it comes to guys i don't think i am too particular, i do however like everyone else have preferences... i pretty much like regular guys who laid back and drama free, i am not hung up on looks, i think personality is just as imporant if not more important, it doesnt matter how good looking a person might think they are, an ugly personality can completely cancel that out. i can be a very affectionate and passionate person around the right guy...i do not do hook-ups, and long term potential is what i prefer...
In What City Do You Belong?
You belong in Paris. You are a real romantic, you live to be loved. Paris will sure give you love!
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any good scary movie.....willy wonka(original of course), the austin powers series,apocalypto, dumb and dumber, 007 goldeneye, Amelie, amores perros, the X-Men series, domino, la mala educacion, volver,les temoins, girl interupted, happenstance, babel, both kill bills, borat, brokeback mountain, a very long engagement, pans labyrinth, oldy beanered out movies :) and any good foreign film.
seinfeld, family guy, will and grace, reno 911, the simpons, the chelsea handler show, sex and the city, the amazing race, scrubs, top model........
mostly non-fiction, memoirs and the like...books about lost love in some serene setting...