Plays xbox 360
Plays World of Warcraft
Does not Drink, Smoke or do Drugs
Is NOT sXe
Loves Food
Loves meeting new people
Loves to Party
Loves to Watch Drunk people fall
Loves Horror Movies
Is obsessed with Zombies
Loves GOLD!!!
Green is My Favorite Color
Birthday is October 17th
Turns 21 this Year
Hates liars
Im a hypocrite
Loves taking pics
Has Low Self-esteem
Star Wars is better than you
Stop being Fake
Stop being Stupid
Grow the Fuck up
You are most like:
You are Green
The feeling of spring follows you. Newness, surprise, beginnings and growth. Your fresh perspective gives others much to consider.
Take this quiz: Which Crayola Box of 8 Color Are You?