lets turn this around! people I don't like to meet: people who beg for attention..., please get a life! people who are constantly posting the same bulletins,don't you have to garden or something?!!! People who flood my message box with spam, really love to kick your virtual asses! people who steal pictures of "pretty people" for example the britney spears type (not that she looks pretty now!, but you know damn well what I mean!!!) or that man who has it in for brad pitt looks... PLEASE GO AWAY, I cannot help it that you are so ugly that you have to pretend your something your not!only real stuff here! besides I have seen Brad once in Amsterdam and he aint all that!!!people who are out for a quicky by webcam and ask me obscene things, know this: I am married and I get all the attention that I want...I suggest you make a quick stop at the bunny farm!!! or use your left or right hand to relieve yourself from that itch, any way do not bother me believe I am not your type!and you would regret it if you tried to find that out!yes I like music!!!!, but I decide if it floats my boat or not,and if you are into R&B and Rap...and you talk/sing about "UHUH,Yeah",and u use words like: "Niggah", "Bitch" or "Pimp",and you can hardly walk because of the gold teeth and jewelary you carry go elsewhere..I already know I do NOT like your music!! and yes I am a Bitch, but know this: I am not your Bitch!If you are in a band and you would like to be on my friends list and I did not add you?..sorry but it wasn't my thing, deal with it!...further more please read my profile and you know what kind of music I am into..ok nuff said,do you think you still want to be on my friends list?...give it a shot!I am always interested in people from over the world