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About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Moveing Greens

In one word I'd say 'SEX'(That's got your attenion now hasn't it). In two words I'd say 'Top Gun'. In three words I'd say 'make me eat'. If you read this Mickey Rourke will find out and touch his chin again. La la la la la lar. I like calendars and cats.... but not cat calendars the second most popular christmas back up gift for a fire ferret. What's so horrible about cutting off a body part, having it cremated and scattering the ash in the cadbury's tank?. I asked Wonka and he said the following. 'It's morally and culturally wrong. Have you got the time?'. A long, long long time ago I could answer any question put to me by a human being or howler monkey. But sadly as the earth has pulled over the blanket of time I can only answer questions on chocolate and Joe Brand (Russell Brands daughter). Why is this?. Coffee I think?. If I could stop one human bio-chemical function then it would have to be salivation, closely followed by defecation. If I could choose any additional human bio-chemical function then it would have to be ear flatulence, closely followed by daily internal organ music playing Neil Young music somewhere close to the pancreas. Currently I'm trying to catch hanky chiefs in the Florida wind. I swear it looks like their alive Daddy?!. I can't forget my homework tonight. Find a home for Rip Torn, invent a new letter for the alphabet and another musical note. What's the biggest thing in the world?. Could it be the world?. Do plants and vegetation feel pain?. If they do then football pitches must be sadomasochist's. And how lucky are hanging baskets!. Whose got the worse skin in show business?. That's easy. Mogan Freeman. And the best?. That's not so easy but I'd say Robin Williams because it has its own ultra violet skin protection system because of its dense layer of surface body fur. Does anybody know why Grandfather clocks are called Grandfather?. See you tonight by the moon.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

In this order.1.Jason Priestly's press agent. 2.Karl Marx (the inventor of cheese) 3.Cruffs champion 1997 4.Rod Hull 5.Someone with two tongues 6.Managing director of Andrex 7.Lassie's dietition 8.Cagney 9.Lacey 10.My lungs.

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