David Angelove:
C'est en 1993 que David Angelove sort ses platines, suit le mouvement « Dancefloor Syndroma » ainsi que les plus grand Dj's.
Soulfull, club vocal, happy house, David Angelove a plusieurs cordes à son arc.
De bars en clubs, il mixe, se fait plaisir et partage sa musique partout ou il passe.
Sa passion l'amène par la suite à intégrer la BCH Family.
A ce jour, en live ou sur les ondes le public vibre sous le son de sa house…….
In 1993 David Angelove starts his turntables and follows de Dancefloor Sydroma music movement as well as the best known Dj's.
Soulfull, club vocal, happy house, David Angelove has many different styles.
From bars to clubs, he mixes, enjoy himself and shares his music everywhere he goes.
His passion has him integrate the BCH Family.
As of today, live or on public broadcasts his house music makes everyone vibrate.
BCH Family:
Founded by Dj Bassi in 2004, BCH Family has become one of Switzerland & French House-Label.
Dj Bassi and BCH Team played together for 12 years in Montreux well known House Mayfair café before they finally wanted to do their own thing BCH Recordings. Their idea of House Music and of organizing a label is to release good music with lots of different styles.
You will find a strong and diverse catalog of house music on BCH Recordings. BCH Family which was created to publish more percussive and instrumental tracks. From Soulful vocal, deep house tracks to disco or tracks up to club house.