Deva a.k.a maMen : she named herself 'mamen' since in senior high school (SMA 47). Now, she study in dentistry faculty at Moestopo University (2006) but very interest in design or art. She's insane girl, but not scaremongering you at all. Her hobbies: sleeping, eating, joking, photoshoping, and bla3x. Even she still study, with her friends in same faculty, makes small business called '' which is up and down in their business journey. Hahah, she's also very helping with her friends and still keeping more and more religius to become a true moslem (Amin). Nyeh2, mungkin biar ga basi, saya sertakan juga fotokopi KTP & akte kelahiran. Wekekek, also visit my friendster ( and my fool DA ( Obrigado!
Nanda a.k.a KamPretOw : MOst of her high school friends called her Kampreto..preto..blah..blaa.. coz she's always sleep in the class her nut. idiot. dumb. weird. whatever you name it..she's just doing what she likes and enjoying life with crazy thing..coz we were young and Free!!!
well...after graduated from high school in 2006. she continued her life. working as an english teacher in one of english course at PEC(practical english center. now she's working as an stupid assistant teacher at Dolanan Pre-school, Darmawangsa, south jakarta. tough..she works in education...she's not an aducative person at all...hohoho....!! lately..she spends her time for working(ngumpulin dana buat bikin Tribute To MEW) dan beredar setiap hari sabtu dan minggu menghadiri gigs handal....
visit her friendster
[email protected]Deva & Nanda: met at the first time in yearbook office called ALMED (halo2..designer almeto tercinta) in the middle of 2006. And met again in friendster with same influence of music: MEW (yes, we're frengers). Lalu mulai sering bertemu krn ingin mengerjakan proyek rahasia yg tadinya surprise bwt para designer ALMED (ga jd jg akhirnya). Setelah itu, jd mulai sering nonton gigs bareng di tahun 2007 kmaren. Well, now.. we called ourself: think HoppipoLa!! since we made ERK's sticker (hahah, Deva adore Akbar, Nanda adore Cholil:cholil..ayo kita main monoppli!)).
Yeah, that's us! C'mon play hide and seek... xB
 I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (