I hav a phoeba of dildos will u help with my sexual needs?..img src=http://i19.photobucket.com/album
About Me
http://www.../yuwie.asp?r=54118 spread love like violence
WELSH!!!! boyo's lmao
Come from the Valleys i do =]
I hav changd alot latly
I have MSN and Bebo ask if you want them..
Nickname is Stephy Weffy
but i hate it tbh
FAV word=Cunt
Ive finishd my GCSE's had 4B's 2C's and 3D's hahaha
I start college in Ystrad/Llywinipia??
I'm doing music technology
I wanna do well in my life have a good job money and all that stuff
I'm happy with my life atm
AND i still cry in Bambie LMAO
You wont know me just reading things off myspace
so tlk yeh?
All my Friends are my heros...
but these 3 are my best friends
Aruna: Trust this girl loads I'd say shes was my best friend, Shes goes on her amazing speech bout 5mins on the fone to me wen she drunk, and i duno what i do without her tbh :) bestest friend i ever had!
Jetta: She makes serious issues seem really fun. With all her blondness =]She makes me nearly wet my self wen she drunk and runs at stuff and bounces off them xD u never be bored with this girl
Sasha: Shes soo lazy aye, but always there =]She should live closer coz i get to see her like 1 every fornight!