Bullseye Records, Inc.'s primary objective is to target the unsaved and the lost, however, our music can also be used as a tool to edify the Body of Christ. Overall, our goal is to bridge the gap between christians and non-christians. Bullseye Records, Inc. plans to do this by incorporating "real life" issues including relationships, sex, drugs, violence, etc. in its music, in order for non-believers to more easily relate to the message.In this day and age, many unsaved people feel that christians do not encounter "real life" situations. That simply is not true. In fact, the enemy (meaning Satan), works incredibly harder to cause a christian to stumble. Under these circumstances, it is only a matter of time before any man, woman, or child, saved or unsaved, falls victim to the enemies attacks. For the Word of God states, that "...for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" (Romans 3:23). However, knowing this, Bullseye Records, Inc. also knows that God's Word also states that, "...He that is in [us] is greater than [Satan] who is in the world." (1 John 4:4).Bullseye Records, Inc., through the infiltration of its music onto the pop culture, will touch the lives of the young and the old- no matter the race, color or creed. By implementing the Godly values found in the Bible, and combining them with "real life" issues that are a commonplace in the world today, we will accomplish spreading the good news about Jesus' love and sacrifice to a mainstream audience.