About Me
Hallo my name is Karan, I love, adore, admire, appreciate, feel & am moved by Creative Expression in all its many & wonderous forms! I believe strongly that we are all Creative Beings & no matter what that form of expression or creativity takes it is essential to our sense of wholeness, balance, wellbeing, fulfillment & sanity!
Creative expression for me personally is a journey from what lies without to what is truely within, from the obvious to the hidden, from the seen to the unseen, from feeling lost to being found,from a sence of separateness to oneness, from darkness to Light, from feeling fragmented or broken to feeling whole, etc etc.
Like so many others, I like Alice in Wonderland have fallen down the dark, long, scary, confusing & very dificult to find your way out of Rabbit Hole a number of times! Creative Expression of various forms & for me particularly painting at the worst & best of times has helped me to feel my way through the darkest tunnels & most blinding lights, through ups & downs, through highs & lows.
Creative expression in its multiplicity of forms can bring a sense of feeling, moving or being moved, releasing, letting go, over coming, acceptance, working through, resolving, finding your way, achieving, Being, Existing, Living, Feeling Alive, at Peace, at One & Loved [particularly by yourself, which is very important to keeping a good sense of Balance & wholeness & a Feeling of Being Worthwhile], as you are allowing yourself to express what is hidden inside, your essential self, your ESSENCE.
You can probably tell from my paintings, I love, adore & appretiate colour. I am aware of the very powerful vibrational healing qualities of colour.
Growing up & still to this day on experiencing a very colourful, expressive work of art, what ever form it may take { music, dance, visual arts-including body, hair & fashion arts or nature & the universe itself } I am inspired, moved, excited, my senses are heightened & in soaking up its beauty or its difference or its quirky expression, I find I can't quite get enough, I wan't more, it has touched me or connected with me, I feel as if it has has moved through me in a sense & become a part of me & somehow enhanced me, my sense of self, my sense of feeling, living, experiencing it has some how added to my awareness of Life or heightened my awareness of Being!
So here i am offering anyone who is interested some of my creative expression, to view, to experience, to connect with or to comment on if they so choose. Enjoy! Karan. %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A............................