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Dan Ennis

About Me

Dan has been playing music for many years, and has been performing for just as long. Over the years, Dan has had the opportunity to perform at a variety of venues, and with a variety of performers. Throughout his musical career he has had the opportunity to work with amazing musicians such as Ralph Covert, the songwriter of the highly acclaimed childrens album Ralphs World. This experience and exposure has influenced and shaped Dans musical style, and is still apparent in the work he does today. In 2003 Dan put out his debut album titled, The Passing of Time. This album proved to be the culmination of everything Dan musically believed in. The songs were deep, innovative, and profound. Audiences welcomed the album, and their reactions helped ignite Dans passion for songwriting. The success of The Passing of Time, encouraged Dan to dig even deeper, and work even harder at polishing his work. His newer songs, such as Enjoy the Ride, and Life of Mine are evidence of the great strides he has taken in the short time since his first album. Dan is currently working on a follow up album, which will include all of his new material. To conclude, the music of Dan Ennis could be generally categorized as acoustic folk, but remnants of classic country, acoustic pop, and even rock and roll are all present in his work. Dan is a very accomplished and a very unique singer-songwriter whose lyrics are profound and refreshing. His music not only entertains, but also often carries a message derived from political or sociological influences. Dan captivates an audience with his warm personality, his high energy, and his well-crafted songs.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/02/2007
Band Website: DanEnnis.com
Band Members: Premade MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

Influences: James Taylor, Paul Simon (Simon and Garfunkel), Bob Schneider, Jack Johnson, Steve Goodman, John Prine, Harry Chapin, Nickle Creek, Allison Krauss (Union Station).
Record Label: Unsigned

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