Chris (metal gaijin) profile picture

Chris (metal gaijin)

About Me

Old-school metal fan...drummer for lo these many years, working to get back into shape (after few years off) and to put a band together (as always)...current addiction is to Japanese heavy metal...periodic contributor of reviews and interviews to Heavy Metal Forces, a fanzine in hanging out with my cool wife and two awesome sons who patiently endure the aforementioned proclivities...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Specifically, I'd like to meet SEX MACHINEGUNS (saw em in Nashville recently and hoping to get another chance soon!) and other Japanese bands [I suppose that someday I'll have to go to Japan 8^) ]

Generally, looking to meet metal fans and bands, and am especially interested in folks who are into Japanese heavy metal. Also interested in local metal bands in Raleigh NC or thereabouts...