Matt Downing profile picture

Matt Downing

About Me

Hello! Finally i have internet, finally i can be bothered to look at this Myspace site - so tell me am i missing out or not?! Im sure everyone who has my email address knows me anyway (well i hope so) but here is the basic info i bet you are all itching to read - Name: Matt Downing, Age: 21, Occupation: Ambulance service / 999 call-taker / ambulance dispacther. I love my job very much, despite the long and sometimes stressful hours! I am a proud owner of my own 2 bedroom house, also a proud owner of a nice new car, and also now own a nice big 37" High Definition Plasma TV (the word proud doesn't even come near!!) My life is good, can't really complain. Some other boring info about me i will write on the left. Please write lots of blogs so i look popular! ha ha ******* The first person to write a blog wins a prize! (havent thought what it will be, but will make it good.) ******* BYE FOR NOW :-)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Do you believe in life after death? I do, so i would like to meet someone who has died! Would ask them what 'life' is like.