Name: MiMi
Age: 27
Ethnicity: Made In Tokyo!
Children: Tyler 7yrs & JahFarian 5yrs (Proud Parent)
My Thoughts: God has blessed me with a life full of earthly angels. Believing in him gives me a peace of mind knowing he has a purpose for my life here on earth. This peace of mind gives me the strength to continue to push forward and await the day I am called to do his will. I have begun to surround myself with people wanting and striving to reach their destiny. God Is Able to reconstruct souls and earthly flesh. I'm always open to new ideas, things, and people as long as neither conflict with my path towards my destiny. If you do not agree with any of the above words please exit .."MySpace.." and delete me as your friend. To everyone else remember after every storm there's a beautiful rainbow! I'm Blessed N Walking N Faith! God Ignites My Soul 2 Do Da Impossible. I Hav A Solemn Determination! I Hav Alot 2 Do N Time Waits 4 No1 24hrs Is Almost Gone! I'm 1 Of God's Greatest Creation An Unequivocal Woman/Mother!
Love Heals, MiMi