bRian o'Reilly profile picture

bRian o'Reilly

onward the beast of boredom...

About Me ................................................: a drunkship of cobblers...waterlogged scars...and their ledger of fins...

My Interests

strangling sound out of a kontrabass and cello, the wine and good eats, scribbling, sketchbooks, slow shutter speeds, pinhole cameras, rusting elements, miasmas of noise, objects made from found bits, working methods of Max Ernst, unusual cooking utensils, Tudor's feedback circuits, oblique strategies, graphic scores, dead programming languages, broken micronauts, microcinema, supercollider v.1b5, Sandin Image Processor, obsessive DVD watching, crackle boxes, obscure interface design, analog audio filters & digital grains...

I'd like to meet:

rubber flipper rubbers....


Folkways LP's especially "Sounds of the Sea Vol. 1", Edgard Varèse, Gagaku, Eliane Radigue, Luc Ferrari, Irish jigs & reels, Iannis Xenakis, Art Ensemble of Chicago, Horacio Vaggione, Bernard Parmegiani, Bruce Gilbert's "In Esse", Fernando Grillo's "Fluvine", Yasunao Tone, Zeitkratzer, any w/ Garth Knox on viola, and the micro modulations of Curtis Roads.


Mothligh -Brakhage, Micromoth-Murray, Steina's VIOLIN POWER, Woody Vasulka's "Art of Memory" & all the other noisefields & feedback flickers by the Vasulka's, Greenaway's Vertical Features Remake, Paul Sharits -Epileptic Seizure Comparison, Kwaidan -Kobayashi, TheTenant -Polanski, most Luis Buñuel, Bob Snyder's Icron, Antony Balch "The Cut-Ups", Bergman's Winter Light, Gary Hill's Soundings, Animations by Matthew "Mattoad" Marsden, Jan Svankmajer, Fischinger's Visual Music films, The Thing -Carpenter, Nerve Language by Edward Rankus, Vertical Roll by Joan Jonas, Institute Benjamenta -Brothers Quay, Kurosawa's Yojimbo & Sanjuro, Videodrome -Cronenberg, Element of Crime-von Trier, Romero's Dead Films, Orphée by Jean Cocteau, Hollis Frampton's Palindrome, ANY and ALL by Dario Argento, and Tarkovsky's the Sacrifice, Mirror, Stalker, Ivan's Childhood, Andre Rublev, and SOLARIS




ALL SAMUEL BECKETT, TheThirdMind-William S. Burroughs & Brion Gysin, W.S.B's The Ticket That Exploded, Joyce's Finnegans Wake, Camus' L'Homme révolté, Microsound -Roads, Paul Klee's Pedagogical Sketchbook, Beneath the Underdog -Charles Mingus, Tarkovsky's Sculpting in Time, the DADA Almanach, Lotte H. Eisner's The Haunted Screen, stories by H.P. LOVECRAFT, The Impossible by Georges Bataille, Listening -Stephen Handel, Mammal's Notebook -Erik Satie, Mr.Punch -Gaiman/McKean, Arts,Science/Alloys -Iannis Xenakis, the Difficulty of Being-Jean Cocteau, ones constructed by Anselm Kiefer, Galway Kinnell's book of nightmares, the Box Man by Kobo Abe, Kafka's Blue Octavo Notebooks...