I'm not everyone's darling.
I use to be friendly to most of all people who cross my way regularly but I don't like all of them 'cause they tend to judge 'bout others without knowing them and that's a behaviour pattern I abominate. But I don't care 'bout whatever they're talking or thinking about me. The number of persons knowing me I can count at one hand's fingers and I don't want to increase this number. It takes time to convince me that there're not only bad things in the mind of a person. Anyhow, in this world do live a few beeings I really like and don't want to miss, so don't feel violated by this written words ;-)
In my imagination exists a city, called Misantropolis, where I live alone with a lot of cats and nobody disturbs or annoys me... Yeah,I know, it's just a silly wish that never will come true ;-)
So, what's to say 'bout me else... Ok, I wonder at all these ugly meatballs, putting overexposed, semi-naked pics of them at theirs myspace-sites... I don't see any sense in it. So if you know, what they purpose with it, please tell me ;-)
I'm actually not in the need of doing that (maybe as I get enough recogniton in real live, that may be a reason...)
Ok, now I'd better stop expressing my cogitations ;-)
aaf boarisch:Du brauchst ned glaum, dass i so bin wie i ausschau.
I bin zwar zu de meistn Leid relativ freindlich oba eigentlich mog i de goarned weils immer über andere herziehn obwohls as goarned kennand und des pack i ned. Allerdings gehts's ma am Oasch vobei, wos de über mi redn.
Es gibt ned viel Menschen, de mi richtig kennand und i will a goarned mehra, de fünf langad scho. Es braucht sei Zeit um mir davo zu überzeugn, dass du net da hinterletzte Depp bist, de meistn san und bleim Oaschgeign in meine Augn. Trotzdem gibts aaf dera Welt a paar Leid, de i richtig mog und ned vermissen mecht also fühl di ned glei angegriffen wennst des lest ;-)
I daad gern in meiner eigenen Stodt, de Misantropolis hoaßt wohna, wo i mit am Haffa Katzen wohn und koana geht ma aafd Nerven. Oba des is eh bloß a Wunschtraum.
Ja, wos soll i no erzähln... I frog mi, wos de ganzen greislichen, fetten Weiber mit ehran überbelichteten, halbnackadn Bildln af ehran Myspace-Seitn wolln, des mog doch koana segn... Also wenns woaßt, warums des dean, sogs ma bitte ;-)
Naja, i brauchs zumindest ned (wahrscheinlich weil ma de blädn Sprüch in da Realität scho so dermaßen aafd Nervn gengad...)
Guad, i sollad ejtz lieba aufhörn, zum schreim wos i denk, des bringt koan guad ned... ;-)