BRAZILIAN JIUJITSU Much respect to Amilcar (MICA)Cipili and Team MICA MACHADO JIUJITSU LAS VEGAS,Mixed Martial Arts, Tai Chi Chi Gung,Much respect to My TaiChi brother and Sifu Rodney( Rama Ananda Das) Delacerna teacher of Si Lum white Lotus Mo Shu Chum Kui Pai,My #1 Student/Brother in the arts/Friend and buissness partner RANDALL( The Mantis)Armor,Freestyle RAP BATTLES, DJ BATTLE's, Classic Chevy cars1920's-1970's, Breeding short stocky bully MIKELANDS Pitbulls.Santa Maria style BBQ Top Block,Tri Tip, Ribs, Chicken. I love the out doors Camping ,fishing,hiking.Going out and meeting New people and trying things I never done before. I LOVE HOT CHICK'S WITH TATTOOS
ip Hop ,Freestyle Battles,any MC with real skill ,Invisable Scratch Pickels Dj Qubert , and everyone who loves scratching and cutting .West Coast Rap,R&B,Bob Marley, Gregory Isacs, Peter Tosh,Jazz and any thing that make you feel the music.
SCARFACE ,OUTSIDERS,God father all of them, Shawshank redemtion ,Cheech and Chong ,Kill Bill 1&2 All of Bruce Lee's Films,Jackie Chan, Samo Hung,All the StarWars Movies.Anything with good comedy or action . Adult films...
Miami Ink, Rob and Big,The Dog whisperer,MTV,B.E.T,SPIKE TV,UFC,PRIDE.
krisnamacharya yoga video
Add to My Profile | More Videos Bible ,Tao of Jeet kun do by Bruce Lee.Grappling Magazine, Hustler, Playboy...
More Videos My Mom and My Grandma ("you got to give it up to mom's and grandma's all over the world") "BRUCE LEE" the founder of Jeet Kun Do, "HELIO GRACIE" the founder of Brazilian Jiujitsu AKA GRACIE JIUJITSU. RIGAN MACHADO,JEAN JACQUES MACHADO, MACHADO BROTHERS, Grand Master Jimmy Woo master of San Soo Kung Fu, Rodney"SIFU Rama Ananda Das" Delacerna for teaching me TAI CHI CHI GUNG ,WHITE LOTUS/SI LUM and his family art Mo Shu Chum Kiu Pai . Amilcar "MICA" Cipili BJJ LasVegas (TEAM MICA). MIKE MIKELAND for creating MIKELAND'S version of AMERICAN PITBULL. Bob Marley, Donald Trump and HUE HEFFNER...