We are a band. We play many kinds of music, we try not to limit ourselves.
pop punk
rap metal
Firstly we have Alec. Hes a nutcase, but he'll get your back for ANYTHING, hes one fuck of a rocker. Even though he denies to taking Rock Inducing Drugs, nobody beleives Him.
Then theres kent. Hes really cool. A friend through and through. He has to be emo though, i mean, look at that fucking hair! Like i said though. Cool. Hes so Awesome, he makes sex seem boring :D
Then theres jordy d. Everybody loves the kid, for some reason. lol. im kidding. hes an awesome guy...no complaints so far. hes funny, cool, and the girls love him.Again, for some reason _.
Then theres me. Im Ian. You can call me DiZ though. Im their manager, artist, head roadie, and technics guy. My job is just to keep them out of prison, and fuck around with them. Im glad they picked me to be their manager. Much love you guys.
Oh, and We love the coochie...Yeah!