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Ms Franie

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a very peculiar person! If you ever think you have me figured out, Thank Again! But don't hesitate to let me have it with your conclusion. For better or worse, I Can Handle It! Besides, Your insights could possibly shed some light for me, as to what I might be saying or doing next! Honestly, though I have supported many a good cause over the years, I have seldom managed to complete the tasks I originally set out to accomplish. It isn’t that I can't focus or don't care. Quite to the contrary! I am intently focused, but it appears to be on a much broader horizon then most. Actually, I care much too much about too many things! So I have a tendency to become disillusioned, or just get distracted and lost while running from one thing that's screaming the loudest to the next. As a general rule, I'm not only late I'm last. Yet even still, I have been known to surprise people, including myself! For the most part my greatest successes have come to me by way of serendipitous chance. And my worst failings have managed to jump up and grab me from behind when I was trying my hardest to succeed. Now wouldn't you know that I would be one to be compelled beyond self-control to protect and defend the proverbial underdog? And you can bet I've found all too often that the underdog can bite every bit as hard as a top dog! I bare the deep emotional scars to prove it! Yet I still haven't learned to fully accept and embrace the self-protective attitude of a jaded cynic. From one moment to the next I am just as apt to exhibit the unbridled enthusiasm and naiveté of an innocent child, as I am the restrained demeanor of a stoic, wise old sage. And though I am basically a peaceful, forgiving sole, I have been known on occasion to through a completely uncalled for tirade of galactic proportions! A wise old fool once showed me, that one teaches best what one best needs to learn. And who am I to argue that point? Truly, I am a conundrum of duality, endlessly seeking a relative hub of controlled balance inside myself and in the world around me. And I'm not alone! I have a few friends as well as at least two of my seven biological children who bare these same fearlessly testy, table-turning traits. So I know first hand how very wonderful and thoroughly frustrating it can be for everyone concerned. It seams there isn't much of a middle ground for people like us to stand on. Historically, we tend to ether be enthroned with regal honor and adoration or completely rejected and feared, if not crucified! Viewed from my perspective, it shouldn't be too surprising that I'm not quite sure which extreme is truly better or worse! But I guess that's the price we have to pay for waking up. And haven't we all heard the wise old advice that it can be dangerous to wakeup sleepwalkers? I don't know all the answers, but of this I am certain. Everything in its time will come into its proper place! And at the end of the day, everything will be OK! Whether we chose to wakeup and acknowledge it or not, The Truth Remains! It's the only thing that can set us free from the distinctly polarized apposing duality that is the undeniable structural framework of this world; On Which Everything That Is Hinges! As I see it, all extreme prejudiced positions of thought and action are completely validated; Up to the full extent of its apposing opposite force of thought and action! So it stands to reason that if {one} is not seen, {as viewed from any given polarized side} as being fully committed and strictly adhering to that stagnant self serving viewpoint; {One} will most definitely be viewed lineally, {from that extreme standpoint} as an enemy siding with the opposition. Put more simply, all hateful opposition feeds on and ultimately Destroys Its Self! In Truth, there is as within the eye of every mighty hurricane, {defying all earthly reason} a most powerful place of balanced calm. A pure transcendent place of clear vision and great peace, devoid of all warring opposition! The obscure mind-space of Gurus, Monks and Martyred Saints I suspect? It's my humble wish to use the sounding-bored of my space, and this universal knowledge of Truth, as a virtual two edged sward; In an honest effort to cut through some of the {I’m right-Your wrong} crap being pitched back and forth. To help myself as well as others who would come seeking within this realm, to more readily find and thus better maintain, a more enlightened, self controlled, peaceful and loving balanced awakened consciousness. I strive to be as empty bones; filled to overflowing with the Spirit of the One Eternal Truth! But thus far for me personally, {though I would like to think myself to be fully enlightened} I lack self-control and the ability to maintain a serene balance at will. So in essence, I have never failed but to fail on a daily basis. But I know I am loved, and I'm still Learning and Trying! And isn't that really what it's all about! Please feel free as I have, to openly share or vent Your Personal Truth, as you know it! Withholding {to the best of our ability} personal judgments of blame, and all means of hidden personal agenda, Please! We as a community have some serious understanding to get on with hear, and such antics will only serve to distract, bore and frustrate! Also, at this point I'm certain that at least a few of you are thinking, "People like this just need to grow up and out of it!" As for me, at my age, I most respectfully suggest that you not hold your breath! I'm very serious about humanities need to Grow up as a species. And our communal need to help each other up and out of this hell of a mess we're waking up to find ourselves perishing in! So hears to all you forewarned folks who would dare to venture farther into this {MY REALM}, Hi There! And Good Luck! May we all find hear what I know we need most right now, more Honesty, Peace, Love and Understanding! For Therein Is Found True Hope!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am very much looking forward to meeting some new friends who share my interests. But I'm also quite exited to have this tool to aid me in reconnecting with some very special friends I've lost contact with. I would love to hear from more of the people I knew during the 80s when I was living on a 3,300ft. Willis Va. Mountain top in the eastern shadows of Buffalo Mt.; in Floyd Co. Va.. As well as all the people I came to know and love during the first half of the 90s, while I was working as the assistant manager of Half Moon Music on the beach front at Va. Beach. And the many unique interesting people I was blessed to meet while I was fallowing the Grateful Dead tours on the East coast and in Europe. And of course, any one who knows what Rare Daze, The HOBO Union and the Balancing Sticks are! Bring it on! I've been missing you!

My Blog

Elder's Meditation of the Day - May 5

Offered In Honor of Our Beloved Lost and Hurting, Self-Sedated; With Much due Gratitude to White Bison Inc. and the Elders...Elder's Meditation of the Day - May 5 "There are many things to ...
Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 03:31:00 GMT

Indigenous Native American Prophecy

Posted by on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 04:56:00 GMT


WILL CONGRESS WIPE OUT HOME GARDENS, GROWERS MARKETS?   By Sarah Foster Posted 1:00 AM Eastern March 23, 2009 © The Intern...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 23:43:00 GMT

Yes I'm Fired Up...

Vilsack was UNANIMOUSLY confirmed by the Senate as the new Secretary of Agriculture on January 20. ----------------- Original Message -----------------From: BluejayDate: Jan 27, 2009 8:57 AMMorning de...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:05:00 GMT

Sharing The Teaching That Will Reunite Us...

1986 Continental Indigenous Council,Fairbanks, Alaska By Lee Brown, Cherokee ...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 08:01:00 GMT

An urgent message from Leonard Peltier's sister.......

Much Gratitude For The Heads Up to OGILGLE WAKA and I'm Just Dave. Creator/ God does the miracles.The fallowing is a message from Leonard Peltier's sister, Betty Peltier-Solano.LEONARD PELTIER SEVEREL...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 20:31:00 GMT


........ ***Selected guidance 08***Offered In Honor of Our Beloved Lost and Hurting, Self-Sedated; With Much due Gratitude to White Bison Inc. and the Elders...<>><<>&g...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:53:00 GMT

Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 23:13:00 GMT

Elders Meditation of the Day - October, 9Th.

Offered In Honor of Our Beloved Lost and Hurting, Self-Sedated; With Much due Gratitude to White Bison Inc. and the Elders...***Elder's Meditation of the Day - October 9***... "That spiritual po...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 13:51:00 GMT


A MUST READ!!! RANCE IS NO LONGER BLISS...HR 3997 Passed Under Threat Of Martial Law http://www. youtube. com/user/ConcentrationC...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 04:44:00 GMT