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obisticals are what you see when you take ur eyes off the goal line
im caroline
"ill be there for you when the rain starts to pour, ill be there for you like ive been there before"
im the most honest person u will ever meet
trust me with anything, it will help me trust you
dont think you know me coz u reli dont lool
i cna be the msot lovelyest person on the eath
or i can be that bitch u wna stab
you make the choice of what side you wna see
every1 says there unquice n all this shit
but i acautly am, im nto even sure if thats good
i laugh at things that arnt even funny and osmetiems i jsut laugh without knowing why =s
these thigns are soo borning but like thsi is probs the mos tull ever no abt me lool
unlesss ur a special person that is =]
i have NO common sencebut im not dumb -huff-
oh and i carnt speel for shit btu i gess u already worked that one out =]
i rlei dont knwo what to say hmm..
well my nanny told me ..
" even as a lil girl you had no fear of anything you wud jump in water no matter how deep it was n jsut swim threw it and u wud climb any tree no matter how high it was"
fuck this is long bubi babycakes pahaha sorry =] xxxxxxxx
special ppl
bestest friend for 11 years i lvoe her more than air. she helps me threw soo much n i hope i help her too. i wud die for her and id die without her. she will always be there tkaing off the vodka if ive had too mcuh =] soeusily ily soo much. shes liek a mum but in baby sisterform lmao. i am so proud of her i reali am, since the beingin of this year shes been fighting wanting and tryin to getr better. ive relised that shes had downs n id try to comfort her, i wudnt be able to sleep knowing that she was sufferning but then she shad ups aswell. all the time tryin to get better no matter how many times she feel and wanted to give up she rose up agian stronger than befoer, love you soo much
right well again liek a sister lool seorusily that week away with her and her mum made me feel liek part of a family n ive never felt that befoer. its a reli amzing feeling that most of u have alreayd felt at some point byut yeh. shemeens alot this girl n i no i dotn always shoow it bu not matter what i say or do i still love ehr xxxxx
hatty normaly i taek eyars to tust pl btu twiht this girl ti ttok abt a week. i can telll ehr pretty much anything and theres stuff ive told ehr no1 else nos. i lvoe how she trusts me and i can see it and i trust her n i hope shecan see that too. ur such a good friend babe ily soomuch xxxxxxx.
ppl ask what i see in him but tbh i dont even know but what i do know is..=] << thats what i feel like around him infact its more like XD or >.< or ^.^ lools. he is the first guy ive ever trusted adn i fell compleatly comfortable around him. the worst part abt seein him is the fact that i know im gna have to say goodbye.i know he isnt perfect but tbh he's perfectly imperfect + he has put up with me for liek 4 mounths now so thas sayin something (along the lines of he's fucked in the head) ;p hehe love you realy(K) lyl babexxxxxxxxx
good times =]. we are gna become sinctists and make clones we is =]. with our super intterngient brains of ours lool. me and starr have nice lil adventrues we do ones where a shortcut turns into a longer route and then we have to go back the way we came. the only thinkg is we never know where we came form in the first place lool.lyl starr i do spesh when i called u up cryin my eyes out n u jsut tlked to me for ages even thro both ur house fones died n u had to call me back on ur mobile xxxxxx
may i jsut sya yeh that i rember askin for her adive on what to say to jay and tbh she give the best adive coz liek 2-3 mounths down the line im reli happy abt being wiht him n reli happy that she gave me her adive. (im not gna forget that missy). and also this sounds werid but for not lyin abt how she was feelin n acaoutly tellin me abt whats gettin her dow witch meens alot to me =]. lylxxxxx
no i aint forgotton all you pp
all teh newstead ppl i do slove you and we need to meet up mroe yeee
dora, blu, emma.....etc all you ppl thats well u no who u are okay =]
any others that ive forgotten i love you to yeh its jstu i cbf atm..

My Blog

my heros [ not finised]

Posted by ♥bubble♥ on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 03:42:00 PST

new year reseltions

1. not to eat macdonalds [again ^^]2. to re-new mi gym mebership n acutly USE IT3. try not to fuck things up4.to try and find a decent b.f n not get hurt [ misson impossible]5.not to loose any friends...
Posted by ♥bubble♥ on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 02:15:00 PST

survay thing that you shud do for me XD

..> ..> ..>..> ..> ..> Would you kiss me? [] yes [] no Am I? [] beautiful! [] sexy as hell [] fine [] pretty [] cute [] okay [] ugly! Do you think im a virgin? [] yes [] no [] dont know! I loo...
Posted by ♥bubble♥ on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 10:50:00 PST

if i died tomorro

If I died tomorrow, you would never ever get a chance to see me ever again.. Please answer the following questions and message them back to me! What are 5 things you would want me to know before I die...
Posted by ♥bubble♥ on Fri, 18 May 2007 11:08:00 PST


what weighs heavier?? A)  a ton of bricks B)   a ton of feathers
Posted by ♥bubble♥ on Fri, 04 May 2007 11:03:00 PST

do this i got it off holly hu got it off lydia hu sumtin sumin

. Your Full Name:2. Age:3. Fave Color:4. Fave Movie:5. Fave Song:6. Fave Band:7. Most Embarassing Moment:8. Are you a virgin?~*~HERE COMES THE FUN*~*1. Are we friends?2. Do you have a crush/attracted ...
Posted by ♥bubble♥ on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:11:00 PST