The Doyles are a father and son team and 2009 sees the two, Jake and Terry, with different projects happening. Terry has just released a kids album and has started up Kids Music Australia. His new album is called Terry Doyle's MONDO FUN and can be found at
Terry is currently working on a new album entitled 'Love Circus' and he is hoping to have it available before the wet season gets here.
Jake is based in Brisbane and is currently in America for May, June ,July and August 2009, this is his third trip to the states. He continues to write and record his electronic music which can be found at 6000. Jake is also hoping to put on more of his successful Blood and Guts Shows this year in both Brisbane and Cairns.
Two of The Doyle's five albums are available below:
THE DOYLES 4:00AM (2007)
THE DOYLES LIVE at Johno's Blues Bar (2006)