Nine in the Afternoon profile picture

Nine in the Afternoon

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hey Everyone!!! My name is Andrew or Drew or Drew-Man... Woo ok well I love to have fun.
I looove the night life, whether it be going to the movies or dancing or something really fun I'm there.
I'm just here living life and waiting for someone...ok then hit me to know more. BPP XD

My Interests

Anything that i can do to make myself smile or make other people smile. Life should not be a rollercoaster of emotions especially if you are still in high school. It should be about enjoying your youth and trying to prepare for alter life when it might be all seriousness. If i make one person laugh per day i know that i have accomplished my days work. I LOVE to see people SMILE and have fun!!! I want to inspire people in the future to take risks...risks that might get them to meet new people. Even if you dont know a person try to talk to them ....You extend your hand to them if they dont want to talk to you after you have been trying for a while then its their problem but the greatest thing in life and the most BEAUTIFUL thing i see is people laughing and their smiles. Everybody is beautiful and has a purpose on this world. Smiling only makes it better and it also makes you happier.

I'd like to meet:

The Altar Boyz (so freaking funny)


Ummm too many...ask me of a band or of an artist and i will tell you yes or no...dont be shy i wont get hurt hehee


ok well here's a list i have in my room right now:
#The Wrong Guy
#White Chicks
#Monty Python and the Holy Grail
#Back to the Future Trilogy
#The DaVinci Code
#The Incredibles
#Fifty First Dates
#and more!!!


Hahaha ok let's see:
^Family Guy
^The Simpsons
^That 70's Show
^Grey's Anatomy
^The Office!!!
^haha home improvement
^George Lopez
^Two and a Half Men
^Anything that is awesome, comedic, or good


Many books/magazines:
&The Namesake
&The DaVinci Code
&Sudoku Books Seriously
&Yearbooks :)
&but after all those are Snow Patrol Lyrics...
they are the most purest and open lyrics i have ever heard in my life and that is also why they are my passion


They relate so much to life and show us what the world is supposed to do...LOVE!!!One day I will surely work with them!!!
Parents: The parents that are caring about their children, not overprotective just caring. Those are the best people as friends and also as parents to have in the whole world. To realize that they care so much about you feels like you have everything in the world.
My Friends: I consider friends one of the most important things in life. If people dont have friends it is mostly a depressing life. Everytime i go to a place i "act" shy and out of nowhere start talking to the most quietest person in the group. I dont wanna sound bragging about them but now i see the people that i have talked to floursih and actually talk with people. It feels great when i try to get somebody to open up a little to the world and it works. Its a feeling of accomplishment.
Amazing Friends:
*Snow Patrol!
*Theatre People
*Everyone else...

My Blog

My Theatre View

Ok so here is what im seeing and its true... This letter is not supposed to offend anybody and it is also not directed to anybody directly...just my thoughts here I think that the people who complaine...
Posted by Nine in the Afternoon on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:11:00 PST


I look at it and i guess it is worthy of a blog because yeah...i feel blah for the first time ever.  No not sad but ust like out of it. Hahahaha Let's go and hang outAfter tonight....i have disco...
Posted by Nine in the Afternoon on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 10:21:00 PST

Seniors of 08 lets make it an amazing year.

I love you all my friends. It is very sad how we are now seniors....there are many memories to be made and many things to be told...hope that next year we will make 08 one of the most memorable years ...
Posted by Nine in the Afternoon on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 06:15:00 PST

The witness of the Drama in Drama

 The witness of the Drama in Drama. That is what it looks like. I know that there are problems between people but it all isnt right. If you have a grudge against somebody please stop and ask your...
Posted by Nine in the Afternoon on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:48:00 PST