"The futur​e of small​ power​sport​s is at risk!​ PLEAS​E ACT NOW!​!​As of Tuesd​ay,​ Febru​ary 10th,​ 2009,​ the small​ power​sport​s indus​try has all but been shut down.​ This affec​ts not only deale​rs and new units​ but indiv​idual​s all acros​s the U.S. New and used units​ as well as parts​ avila​bilit​y for every​ used unit in the natio​n has been calle​d under​ quest​ion.​ This issue​ is far reach​ing not only finan​ciall​y but also conce​rning​ safet​y.​ With the suspe​nsion​ of prope​r sized​ ATV'​s and motor​cycle​s suspe​nded,​ young​ rider​s will be tempt​ed to use impro​perly​ sized​ and built​ machi​nes which​ could​ (but Lord willi​ng won'​t)​ lead to sever​e injur​ies.​Off-​highw​ay vehic​le recre​ation​ is enjoy​ed by all ages and contr​ibute​s signi​fican​tly to the natio​nal econo​my.​ I thus urge the CPSC to grant​ the petit​ion for tempo​rary exclu​sions​ submi​tted by the snowm​obile​,​ ATV, and off-​highw​ay motor​cycle​ indus​try.​"Fill out the onlin​e petit​ion at the botto​m of the page by click​ing the link below​.​ Pleas​e submi​t this form on behal​f of every​ membe​r of your famil​y regar​dless​ of age.SIGN THE ONLIN​E PETIT​ION HERE.​.​.​ its SO SIMPL​Ehttp://www.tomself.com/index.html
Layout by CoolChaserTo begin, this new innovative footpeg design is sure to prove functional and demanding of attention. This design actually creates five possible boot-to-peg contact planes as opposed to the standard three offered by the conventional design of yesterday!
The three positions offered by the standard pegs are completely reinvented as well as the addition of these two new additional planes that are absolutely critical today!This is demonstrated in any picture of rider-in-motion that show a boot to-peg-contact...see for yourself!1)For starters, when exiting a corner the need for greater boot-to-peg contact is necessary due to the inner foot being used as a forward counter balance and/or a safety tap on the ground if needed in most situations.
-The RED CONTACT PLANE on the reference page shows the position of the boot sole’s angle in reference to the peg…a 90 degree contact angle is created by the new design!2)Starts are ever so critical, now more than ever. Maintaining proper body position is a must in order to achieve adequate wheel spin so that optimum traction is achieved.
-The RED or GREEN C/P is used here dependant upon the aggressiveness of the rider.3)The seat bounce has proven critical in completing fast, consistent laps on all level of tracks.
-The desired lift determines how aggressive the technique should be…the RED or GREEN C/P will help to provide consistent use of this technique in all applications.4)Much needed body English, for proper and efficient acceleration.
-Here the GREEN C/P, used during proper acceleration, will help immensely with the ease and consistency of this.5)Maintaining a rearward body position is greatly needed when braking, entering a corner, or navigating braking bumps (often replicating whoop sections).
-The BLUE C/P is used at this time to stay safe and under control.
-Helping the cause, the BLUE C/P increases the rider’s maneuverability on the bike.6)the rider remains toward the rear of the cycle in order to gain the optimum traction that is possible in given conditions.
-The BLUE C/P will help to stay under control and get the power back to the ground as fast as possible.7)Control while navigating the violent whoop sections found at most tracks today is critical in exiting expediently and safely. The critical positive boot contact needed to survive in sections such as this is shown in any such picture!
-The YELLOW C/P is more than evident in perfecting this technique.
-This YELLOW CONTACT PLANE is also a direct pivoting point at times like these so that the bike will rock front to back with little resistance due to the contact angle
-The YELLOW C/P (as well as the RED) is the most noticeable variance from the standard peg form…which is a complete advantage in this situation!8)And finally, the ORANGE CONTACT PLANE is the only contact surface that is offered by the standardized peg today which is used primarily for transitioning body position forward and rearward on the bike. Entering rhythm sections, transferring the body forward on the bike after entering with the desired lift and speed is critical in properly navigating through with ease. Other than being used for this appropriate transfer this plane is used very little.
-This transition plane is also improved upon by decreasing the contact area/points…thus increasing the pressure applied at each point, providing better traction!9)As one can see, there are many advantages provided to the rider by this new innovation in foot peg design. In addition to these inferences before you, it is evident in every picture that displays boot to peg contact that said contact will be greatly improved upon!The following are a few more great attributes created by this design:
1)The 45 degree leading edge will also reduce the harshness of blows from shrapnel that is often times churned up during a ride by the front wheel…no matter the environment or terrain!
2)The outer spars are ¼ of an inch lower than the two centers…thus connecting these lowered forward and rearward spars with the higher spars on the congruent sides creates these GREEN and BLUE PLANES.
-Although this seems incremental, this also allows the rider to lower his body position on the machine, thus lowering the total center of gravity.
-A major plus to having these additional planes, above and beyond the fact that they create the perfect angle for proper accelerating and braking…is…well…just that!
-These planes will promote, if not demand proper form and technique!
This will be a phenomenal mentoring tool for teaching proper body positioning and rider technique to new up-and-comers!3)Although this seems incremental, this also allows the rider to lower his body position on the machine, thus lowering the total center of gravity.
4)Along with this, the overall width front to back is ½ of an inch greater than the standard stock peg. Also appearing insignificant, the rider can increase his forward and rearward movement on the bike by 1/4 of an inch either direction. The change creates a profound effect on the weight distribution of the cycle due to the change being realized on the lowest center pivoting point used by the rider for leverage on the machine.I am surprised that there is less “thinking out of the box†these days. I am very excited about the opportunity to develope a revolutionary product that will forever change the industry as we know it.Thanks for all the help and opportunity,
Travis Claussen
PO BOX 163
Lawson, Mo. 64062